Mad Jack Dawkins Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Mad Jack Dawkins

Self-made Founder and CEO of Lunar Enterprises. His birth name is "Jeremiah Shelby" but this name is only known to few. He is more famously known as Mad Jack Dawkins.   Jack is a six foot tall male human with very broad shoulders and strong facial features. He wears a large baggy black coat with silver trimmings and threads. He wears a top hat but the sides of his head are shaved and the hair on top is long and slicked back. He keeps a thick mutton chopped beard with a shaved chin. His eyes are very dark, almost black and has enormously large powerful hairy hands.   He is revered for his discretion. Little is known of methods for punishing those who have crossed him, or his associates, but few who have done so are ever seen again. He has a knack for rare relics and items and is always looking to expand his portfolio, however he loathes cursed items and will not accept them.   Jack invented a very powerful form of ammunition for firearms known as Chromatic Slugs. Using the magic harnessed from various parts harvested from dragons, he was able to create a projectile that explodes upon impact. These projectiles unleash the wrath of a dragon, the intensity increasing in cadence with the dragon's age.   Jack keeps his personal life extremely private. Little is know of his origin story but he is revered and feared by all who cross paths with him.


Born and raised in the Kryptgarden Forest, he fled due the sudden "disappearance" of his people. He was one of the three remaining members of the "Dusk Circle". Rumor has it that a member of his tribe was driven mad with rage and turned on their own, wiping out the entire enclave of druids.
For more information on Jack's origin story with the Dusk Circle, see Session 12: Shadow in the Sunny Grove through Session 14: Charging the Darkness.
  Today, Jack Dawkins often hires the high ranking members of the Harpers for information. He runs an underground network known as Lunar Enterprises that deals in the trafficking of high value items and people of importance, insider trading, sedition, and other legal (and illegal) activities.

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