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Session 66: Acquisitions in Ascore

General Summary

Began the Descent into Doom, the Journey to Ascore   King Hekaton and Uthor met you on the outskirts of Citadel Adbar. They told you they would meet you at Ascore but need to go north to connect with storm giants at Harts Vale first.   Journey to the Cliff’s of Ascore   Traveled your way through the Accordian of the Gods; wide pathways up and down - some destroyed, evidence of destruction   Encountered Hobgoblins at an encampment on outskirts of town   After dispatching them you noticed that there was an entire other half that was already slaughtered by Githyanki; who similarly ambushed you and implanting an etherial mortal blade into Eldred.   The gith are trying to figure out how to steal the dragon’s horde; Along with the Dodkong they also want the Estándar de Liben’s fur Immer   Ascore being an ancient dwarven city, they requested that you acquire a map within the Luthier’s Spire - a place that only a dwarf may grant access into. In exchange, they will spare Eldred's life and meet you at the stone docks to the southeast. They will clear the way.   On your way to the Luthier's Spire, you encountered a create of nightmarish proportions that had been jettisoned into the desert itself from the heavens. You defeated the aberration and came to discover that it closely resembled the anatomy of Slarkrethel.   After defeating the aberration and recovering the Navigation Orb from the Luthier's Spire, you made your way to Eldred and the gith who were waiting at the stone docks.

Estándar de Liben fur Immer

Sarlaac of Slarkrethel
Report Date
29 Sep 2020

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