Valajantar Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Valantajar (or “Val” to his friends) is a Rakshasha whose age is quite indeterminate. In his Rakshasha form, he appears as a white furred bengal tiger with brilliant green eyes. Valantajar has made multiple contracts and debts and bargains with other more powerful Fiends, Fey, Old Ones and Celestials. Some of these exchanges are for power, some for fun and some to establish connections amongst the inner and outer planes. Through these connections, Val works primarily to provide diplomatic concierge service to locations throughout Faerun and to multiple connections into the inner and outer planes. His warlocks are often contracted as couriers, delivery services and signatories & emissaries to just about anywhere the Weave touches.   A natural shapeshifter and master of the arcane arts, he can assume any form but prefers to present himself as a human private detective, Vincent Trench, in the city of Waterdeep. His business goes under the name the Tiger’s Eye; in his human form he speaks concisely, dresses in a sharp suit, and smokes a slim pipe.. He is always surrounded by many cats of varying shapes and sizes, but all of these cats appear way too intelligent for typical felines. This is because all of them are his Tabaxi warlocks and his eyes and ears around the city and elsewhere.

Tabaxi Warlocks of Bell, Book & Candle

All of the Tabaxi in the family of Bell, Book & Candle are indoctrinated into service by a multi-generational blood pact. Upon reaching adult age, they are given a choice to serve Val as one of his warlocks or make their own way in the world. Tabaxi are fickle but faithful and often find the benefits of the pact far outweigh the burdens. Besides, what other type of job would allow you to travel practically anywhere?   When his warlocks are under their contracted service for Val, they have access to various Plane Shift runestones and one way Teleportation Circle gems. Many of Val’s warlocks are multi-disciplined into Wizards, Bards, Thieves and Paladins so they perform true ‘jack of all trades’ capabilities in their service. They are often “requested” to fulfill their courier duties (and other more nefarious tasks) in the guise of a standard cat, as a reminder of their service and because Val has a sense of humor. When they are not being called on to perform these services, they are welcome to make a living anyway they see fit, although they all have a return gem to Waterdeep that also operates as a multi-planar sending gem back to Val.  

Motivations and History

Like most Rakshasha, Valantajar is a fiend and would be considered evil, but at some point in his search for power, he impersonated an older wizard’s manservant in order to get close to and steal the man’s power. The ancient wizard obviously saw right through the illusion almost immediately but chose to instead impart his wisdom onto Val. The wizard saw what the fiend had yet to realize about the true power in being a mortal — Freedom. Freedom to live out a long and fruitful life and experiencing both the joys and tribulations of that life. When it came time to steal the wizard’s power, Val recognized he had become honestly fond of the old man and chose to spare his life and remain with the wizard, caring for him until he passed away naturally of old age.   This experience greatly changed Val and helped him decide to use his powers for good, though how he goes about that is not necessarily ‘lawful’. The amount of power, secrets and connections Val has made throughout his centuries of life has provided a great deal of influence in all manners great and small. He often works with the Harpers, the Scarlet Offense (a secret group within the Red Wizards of Thay who are attempting to bring down the leadership and shift their powers for good), and multiple factions and rebellions within the Fey, Shadowfell and the outer planes. Val tends to choose bargains or debts that emphasize going against the nature of what is expected by “evil” entities and even those “good” entities that are trying to do what is right vs what is lawful.   Val does not travel to the planes himself although he used to travel often and he always has Plane Shift and Gate prepared. He knows he has a price on his head and would be the target of many multi-planar bounty hunters. Val will never set foot in the Nine Hells unless forced to. He prefers to stay in his home base in Waterdeep and use his warlocks for all multi-planar activities.

Valajantar's Gift

This Titan Stone was a “gift” in exchange for something priceless to the Winter Queen Mab, Empress of Air & Darkness and Ruler of the Unseelie Court.   Valajantar is one of the few living individuals to harness the Titan Stones power...

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