Zarod Blackblade Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Zarod Blackblade

Bolivar's father   First encountered him at Beorunna's Well   Was in Ironslag; killing blow was delivered by Eldred in Session 38: Edge of Annihilation when he was trying to make his escape yet again.   Bolivar yanked out his magical eye and the party recovered his magical staff   Current Location: Body lies in Ironslag; Bolivar took out his magical eye and gave it to his brother Dral who had his eye removed from Dral himself years ago.   Zarod Blackblade Voice: 62 years old male orc He has very long, curled, black hair and blue eyes. He has smooth gray skin. He stands 184cm (6'0") tall and has a massive build. He has an oval, beautiful face. He has a colorful piercing on his nose and a piercing on his left eyebrow.

Bolivar's father Defeated in Ironslag (Session 38)

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