Beastmen: Harpy minor Species in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Beastmen: Harpy minor

The "Alpha" category of beastmen are somewhat capable of beautiful and lustrous appearance. However, like the vast majority of beastmen, those transformed by the infection end up a grotesque and pathetic immitation of what their ancestors could turn into. The harpy minor, like its perfected counterpart is capable of swift and agile combat with razor-sharp talons for shredding up prey. While the alphas are capable of harassing prey up close, the harpy minor tends to attack from afar or get in a surprise attack while other beastmen work to take down the foe. The harpy minor has a strange ability to bolster the stamina and ferocity of other beastmen it hunts with. This, like its degraded and sickly appearance from the original alpha, is an ability that is much more powerful in their superior counterparts.
Name: Harpy Minor, Beast Vulnerabilities: Immunities: Resistances: Condition Immunities:
AC: 10 HP: 22 Speed: 10ft, fly 60ft Challenge: 1, 200XP Proficiency Bonus: +2 Skills: Perception +3, Passive Perception 13   Feats: Keen Sight and Smell. The beastman has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.
STR 15 (+2) DEX 10 (+0) CON 15 (+2) INT 6 (-2) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 7 (-2) Actions:   Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.   Battle Song. The Harpy screeches an invoked call, bolstering all nearby beastmen (even untransformed ones) by raising their armor class by 2. The harpy must take a bonus action on its subsequent turns to continue singing. It can stop singing at any time. The song ends if the harpy is incapacitated.


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