Legacy wars: ferrathar nations The Beastmen are created
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The Beastmen are created

Plague / Epidemic


Qwees corrupts the beasts of the earth to create monsters

Qwees, lord of fantastical beasts still walked the earth under the leash of the quinate in the ancient era. He barely tolerated the presence of humans and even then only if they were his worshippers. Qwees' true heart and compassion burned for the beasts of land and sea. He saw them as creatures of purity and hated mankind for how they slaughtered them.   In his portion of the kingdom that his parents in the quinate gave to him, he banned the murder of animals but that did not subside his fury and hatred toward mortals. As he grew more powerful in his dark magic, he developed the power of his blood to transform others into a new race of man-hunting creatures. The power of beast blood turns men into animal-hybrids and turns those already animals into a new breed of man hunters.   This is listed as one of the first events in the ancient era, scholars cite to illustrate the gods of the void were stseadily growing out of their parents control.

Related Species
Beastmen: Harpy minor
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