Dark Convert Organization in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Dark Convert

A Dark Convert is used interchangeably to describe a none-invoking practitioner void-god religion or those who invoke from the void. The void is the realm from which these gods commune with their converts and influence events in the mortal realm. As the gods of the void fight for the soul of each practitioner it can be rare for a dark convert to devout themselves to more than one void-god.    The void is a freezing abyss of perpetual darkness and spiritual numbness. The lords of the void all share the realm of the void, but control their own corners of it. The gods of this void vary in aspect but have the same nature. That is, for a mortal to be in tune with their lord of the void they often must be in touch with their passion, hate, anger and sense of supremacy.


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