Lady Eleanor Character in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Lady Eleanor

Eleanor was given to the temple by her novun mother who was a dedicated temple seer. She was taken and raised in a different city to keep the mother and child from getting in the way of her upbringing as a seer. Her human father had already long died on his holy commission. Eleanor shares mostly physical features from her firstborn ancestry, her height however is the biggest tell of her novun heritage, forcing her to literally look down on most people to make eye contact despite being the age of 14. Being half novun also comes along with being born with a strong connection to the void. At times this connection to the void would emerge in powerful fits of uncontrolled rage, harming any around her regardless of friend or foe.   Although Eleanor had finally found a place that accepted her for who she was, she would never come to a place of peace over what she’d done and who she was. She would never stop looking back regretting what she believed to be a failed relationship between her and the god of the firstborn. This is the reason for her continued perspective and view of all things through the filter of her weighty guilt complex.   When Eleanor can suppress guilt, she is undoubtedly kind and docile. When her shame of who she is resurfaces, she ceases to keep up on her relationships in the group and will shut herself away. She will often project how she sees herself into her beliefs of how others see her, which is the sole dirty stain in an otherwise perfect picture. This leads to main characters such as Savaric constantly going out of their way to assure Eleanor she’s a valued ally.   “Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind; the thief doth fear each bush an officer.” Because of her undealt with guilt, Eleanor is frequently in fear of everyone else out to get her, waiting and watching for the next time she will act out and they can put her down. What causes this is projection, another psychic defense mechanism that can temporarily serve to rid herself of upsetting feelings: “I’m not untrustworthy, that guy’s a double-dealing snake.”   In moments where her whirlwind of emotions subside, she reveals a young woman who is in awe of the exploration and new discoveries of their travels. An adventurer at heart. Her pull to experience the new, leads her to behave in spontaneous ways, making her an unpredictable companion to even her closest friends.   Risky behaviors are more prominent with her than any other party member. Fortunately her attunement to the moment and her environment allows her to do better than most. Always absorbed in the moment, Eleanor’s temper can easily be aroused with biting criticism or bait. In contrast she can also cease the peace of the moment afterwards, she possesses an ability to quickly move on from petty squabbles as if they never happened.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Illusiomancer   Eleanor is skilled in a discipline that focuses on manipulating the minds of others. Illusion invocations can be used to alter perceptions, emotions, and thoughts of people, animals, and even undead. The main goal of illusiomancy is to create illusions that are convincing enough to trick the senses of others. Illusion invocations can be used in a variety of ways, from pacifying enemies to making them fight amongst themselves, from calming animals to inciting fear in them, and from charming people to making them do your bidding.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The temple’s fanaticism nurtured Eleanor’s self loathing of what she was. She would grow up resentful of herself for being evil and rationalized her condition as divine punishment. She would train many years in vain to try and connect to the realm of serenity, only to remain firmly planted in the realm of croya.   Unable to move beyond the realm of Croya, she would tilt tenuously from serenity to the void and would continue to struggle with fits of rage all her life, eventually leading up to a fit so tempestuous that she came to after all her teachers were already murdered. Already living life through the perspective of a guilt complex, she believed this event to be a sign of the Almighty's rejection. Surely earning the death sentence, Eleanor escaped the temple eventually falling into the arms of a Cactolist cult.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Imprudent- Her ability to adapt to any moment comes with an ineptitude of long-term planning and consideration of consequences.   Fiercely Independent – Freedom of expression is often Eleanor’s top priority. Anything that interferes with that, like traditions and hard rules, creates a sense of oppression like that of the temple.   Unpredictability- Eleanor dislikes long term commitments and plans. The tendency to avoid long term planning can put a strain on her relationship with others.   Easily stressed- living in the moment can leave her easily flustered and succumbing to one of her rage episodes.
Chaotic Good
Polytheist, Mayheth and Cactol
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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