Delari Species in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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This race of angelic creatures is known as the Delari, and they are widely regarded as the most powerful beings in the universe. They are said to be spiritual creatures, who once had the ability to incarnate themselves into bodies of flesh and blood during the ancient era. The delari are known for their ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality itself.   Despite their great power, the delari are not without their flaws. They have a tendency to view the mortal races with a mix of curiosity and disdain. They are also known to be fiercely independent, and they have been known to wage war against each other when their beliefs and goals clash.   Despite their flaws, the delari are widely revered by many of the mortal races, who see them as divine beings sent to guide and protect them. Many religions have been built around the worship of the delari, and their influence can be felt in every corner of the universe.


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