Legacy wars: ferrathar nations The Great Seduction
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The Great Seduction



The Delari assert themselves as the new gods over mankind. Death enters into the world.

Malu rebels against the Almighty and declares the five chief to be the new gods for the firstborn.  The firstborn accepted the rulership of the "quinate." They seduced mankind with promises of freedom, power and forbidden knowledge. They successfully deceived the people of Herelin that the Almighty had abandoned them and would not return. The people given over to dismay readily gave their worship to the quinate.    The majority of the celestials loyal to the Almighty left the traitorous firstborn and delari behind and were not seen for some time to come. The quinate revoked the name Herelin and named their new kingdom Erlin. The delari and lesser delari ruled over mankind and walked the same lands as them for generations to come.

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