Erlin Geographic Location in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Passing the coastal mountains of Erlin resides the world’s most verdant and vast forest covered nation. Recurrent rainfall visits the land descending from murky yet sun lanced skies, casting gloomy beauty over the kingdoms. So flourishing are their forests that many ancient cities that were built on an open plain are blanketed with overgrowth today. Erlin wilderness is home to Ferrathar’s most exotic and otherworldly predators of men including the beastmen and the infamous var-maul.   The only aspect that characterizes the land even more so than it’s forests is the worship of the Erlin gods that takes shape in the form of wine and song. No other land will ever be subject to such shameless display as no other land is overseen by gods that were historically seduced by the hedonism of man. The unique worship of the Erlin gods has directly influenced the vocations of the people. Erlin is home to prestigious wineries, art galleries and bordellos. It is for these hedonistic pursuits that militaristic and invocation advancements have grown stagnant for the linish people.   The inability of Erlin to keep up with modern warfare has made them victims of novun raids and temple crusades throughout history. Additionally their impersonal “worship” practices have caused the linish to become very sickly people, ineffectual fighters. Were it not for the limited protection their gods provided in their homeland the Erlin nation would surely be under Herelin occupation. With the rare and exclusive wood being a resource in abundance, the people of Erlin developed groundbreaking wood treatment in their struggles in warfare. Their bows are of legendary quality and the soldiers are outfitted with maces, hammers and even armor crafted from strengthened wood.


The Nation of Erlin is characterized by fertile lowlands, where agriculture and trade flourishes. The central and eastern regions are dominated by rugged hills and mountains, which were often used as defensive strongholds by the various linish clans and kingdoms. The landscape of Erlin is heavily forested, with oak, elm, and yew trees dominating much of the countryside. Bogs and wetlands were also prevalent, particularly in the midlands and western regions. These areas were important sources of their resources, as well as providing habitats for wildlife.

Natural Resources

Ravenwood:   Ravenwood is a type of tree that grows in the deep forests of southern Erlin. It is highly valued for its extremely hard and durable quality, which is prized not only for making weapons and armor, but for it's mystical quality of negating invoking effects. The bark of the Ravenwood tree is thick and dark brown, with deep grooves running through it. The leaves of the tree are broad and glossy, with a dark green color. The branches are thick and gnarled, and the trunk is almost black and incredibly dense. Ravenwood is highly resistant to both physical and magical damage, making it ideal for crafting heavy armor, shields, and weapons that can withstand the toughest of battles.     Due to its durability, Ravenwood is also highly valued for its use in construction and shipbuilding. However, because it grows in remote and dangerous areas, obtaining Ironbark wood can be difficult and hazardous. As a result, it is rare and highly prized, often commanding high prices in markets throughout Ferrathar.


Erlin is said to have fractured off of the western side of Herelin itself at the end of the ancient era. It became a crescent that journeyed over the sea until it settled in a place that changed its ecosystem and geography from that point onward. Since that time, different alliances of Erlin kingdoms have formed and been victim to, as well as the instigators of many skirmishes and all out wars with Herelin.
Government:   The Erlin oligarchy consists of ten kings, two of each a representative of one of the five gods. Although each king primarily attempts to rule as instructed by the god he represents, ultimately the people decide how their king should govern less they fall out of favor with the people and become exiled from the throne. Although the gods of Erlin attempt to lead their people in prosperity, they, unlike other pantheons, cooperatively function in the lives of their worshippers as partners instead of master or parental figures. Each king is elected by the people to the throne indefinitely until the people become dissatisfied and call for a new election.   The oligarchy regulates the production of resources and controls the income of businesses, ensuring no capitalist giant preys on another. This heavy regulation has destroyed the upper class and has successfully made the advancement of the middle class impossible. Although the mentality of the Erlin people remains very much herdlike, no kingdom has ever tightened its fist around the people so firmly without civil war breaking out and Erlin is no exception. People who disturb the peace or display distaste for the government are imprisoned at a higher rate than any other kingdom.
Inhabiting Species


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