Invokers Species in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Invokers are a powerful type of superhuman who possess the ability to channel energies from spiritual realms in order to manifest extraordinary powers. These realms are often believed to be the home of their respective gods or other spiritual beings.   Invokers are able to access these energies through a process of meditation and concentration, allowing them to draw on the vast reserves of power available to them. They are then able to wield this power in a variety of ways, from manipulating the elements to summoning spirits or even calling forth divine entities.   There are different realms one can train their mind to attune themselves to, each come with their own respective costs, strengths and compatibilities. One must heavily consider the mind-altering power of these realms can permanently influence the heart and soul to align with the god they draw power from. There are certain sects of invokers that consider their past selves dead after a period of usage.     One of the key features of invokers is their ability to work in concert with other supernatural beings. They are often seen as intermediaries between the gods and mortals, able to communicate with spirits and other entities in order to accomplish their goals.   Despite their incredible power, invokers are often seen as being somewhat detached from the mortal world. They may be viewed with awe and respect by those who recognize their abilities, but they may also be feared or mistrusted by those who do not understand their motivations or the extent of their power.

Basic Information


Invoking From The Void   Internally, the aura of the void can change a person's values, beliefs, and worldview. They may become more cynical, pessimistic, and distrustful of others. They may also experience increased feelings of anger, aggression, and hostility. Externally, the void's aura can change a person's relationships and interactions with others. They may become more selfish, manipulative, and deceptive in their interactions, prioritizing their own needs and desires over those of others. This can lead to a breakdown in trust and damage to personal and professional relationships.   Eventually prolonged usage the void can lead to addiction of its feeling, decline in sanity, and other destructive actions that can have permanent consequences for the individual and those around them.   Invoking from Serenity   These invokers become more patient, hopeful, and compassionate towards others. They may also experience increased feelings of empathy, love, and kindness. Thos who invoke from Serenity are known for being trustworthy, honest, and authentic in their interactions, prioritizing the needs and desires of others over their own. This can lead to stronger and more meaningful personal and professional relationships.   It's worth noting that while invoking from Serenity can have many positive benefits, one of their common weaknesses is the failure to acknowledge and work through negative emotions and experiences, confusing how to process a tragedy for ignoring or suppressing negative emotions. Rather, a true master of Serenity is learning to manage and process these emotions in a healthy way.   Croya   Croya is the moon the gods of Erlin are imprisoned in and the lens that the energies from the realms flow through to be channeled through a user. A Croya Invoker does not strictly invoke from either realm but tries to harness the auras caught in the moon itself. They are individuals who seek to prolong the effects of invoking from a specific void by sacrificing any true proficiency from a specific source.   Croya invokers typically reject the strict dogma and rules that come from a temple of the Almighty but also resist the dark temptations of the void. Although this can delay the effects invoking tends to have on the fragile flesh and blood body, it also numbs the user's soul toward caring about good or evil at all. Having the moral alignments of said users, dwindle down to passionless self-concern.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Invokers are beings of great power, thus are easily in positions to take power in society. All societies in Ferrathar are have forms of government in which religious leaders, warriors or institutions have a great amount of authority over the affairs of the state. Herelin's laws for example, is seen as divinely guided, and the laws and regulations are based on religious texts and beliefs.   Invokers hold significant political power, and their influence can extend into all aspects of society, including the economy, education, and social policy. The head of the government is often a religious leader, such as a priest, or king who holds varying amounts authority and is believed to have a direct line to the divine.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Invokers are born amongst every race but are more often in Herelin due to the highest invoker birth-rate belonging to the firstborn.

Civilization and Culture

Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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