Euphemia Character in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Euphemia is a fiercely powerful invoker that values her freedom and pursuit of greater power above all else. Her pursuit of power did not subside after she had climbed the ranks of her coven and slaughtered every single member when she learned of their betrayal. But this did not leave her feeling alone or without purpose for she had been forged to be the self-reliant survivalist her sisters had raised her to be since her birth. Euphemia is extremely intelligent and crafty. She is adept at manipulating others to get what she wants and is not afraid to use her powers to achieve her goals.    Despite all this, Euphemia is shrouded in mystery, and her true motivations are often unclear. She keeps her past a secret and is hesitant to trust others, making it difficult for others to understand her. It also makes the others of her party all but refusing to trust her, especially as an individual that masters in invoking from the evil realm of the void. She remains fervent in her pursuit of freedom and power above all else and believes she has mastered being able to call on the power of the gods of the void without being enslaved by them.    Her origin has caused her to carry a biased disdain for invokers who restrict themselves to a religious code or god. Euphemia believes invoking from the dark realms is the most natural and appropriate path of sentients who can free themselves from the servitude of the gods they follow. Rather than a world of destiny and fate, she views the world as chaotic nature, with everything fighting for dominance and in the end being able to sort itself out through the food chain. Morality thrown out the window, whoever can seize power through force has the right to keep it and do with it as they wish until it can be taken from them.   Euphemia has been crafted since birth to only see others as tools and assesses their value on that basis. She is often bored or demeaning when approached socially, using her sharp wit or sarcastic sense of humor to deflect uncomfortable situations or to put others in their place. There are odd times where a different Euphemia can surface, when she cracks jokes or conducts a playful attitude with the precious few she enjoys associating with. It would be described by Savaric as the "uncorrupted Euphemia," who is poking through the surface crying out for help.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Conjuration: Euphemia specializes as a conjuration invoker and can use the earth and can summon creatures of monstrous power from the ethereal realms to this world. This is her main method of combat, as her stamina and talent for invoking large numbers of creatures and sustaining them for long amounts of time, are far superior than what is considered normal for a skilled summoner.    Cryomancy: As a void user, Euphemia is well versed in the forbidden use of cryomancy. Her skills with the cold are a close second to her skills in the art of conjuration.    Arcane Scholar: Euphemia was educated by many sorceresses versed in forbidden texts of the sisterhood. She was also educated on the history and culture of the gods of Ferrathar.   Reverse conjuration: Euphemia can seal away enemies summoned from the other realms, she is adept in detecting in others, lapses of the concentration needed to sustain the creatures that are invoked into the main realm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like all of the children in the hidden village shrouded by forest, Euphemia was self raised along with the other girls that walked the streets of their nameless village like a pack of wild dogs. Once a child was old enough to fend for themselves, they would be thrown outside to weed out the weak amongst the rest. Males and none-invoker girls would be left out in the wilderness to die.    Many of the girls would be adopted and be taught how to survive and steal food without getting caught. They would be raised amidst the tribe of children to both respect the rules that the witches of the village purposefully never taught them, and how to break those rules with deception and skill. But there was one rule that every young girl followed with no resistance. That is that whenever a girl would come of age, they must answer the summons to the trials.    Less than a tenth of those who became of age ever returned from the trials. But those who returned would do so as full fledged students of "the sisterhood" and would be taken on by a master. Growing up in the streets had taught the children to use others to survive, but the trials would soon reveal themselves to be the second half of that lesson. Which was when to sacrifice those you have used to survive.    She and Thea were inseparable in their childhood survival and in the merciless trials of their youth. They were undoubtedly superior in their skills to the rest of the conscripts but their attachment to each other was detected by the witches. The two would be purposefully sent to a small outpost populated by a team of temple squires and one senior to take them out. This was seemingly an easy task, although they were outnumbered the pair outclassed all the others there in invoking power.    Their rejoicing in victory was short lived as they realized that the rations in the outpost mysteriously disappeared overnight and they had received the command not to step foot outside the outpost until a witch had come for them or they would be killed. Weeks had progressed as the two comrades were slowly succumbing to starvation. When a single apple had appeared in between them, Euphemia and Thea's primal instincts drove them to fight for it. Before she even realized what had happened, her lifetime friend lay at her feet as she barbarically consumed the apple. Not a moment later a witch arrived to congratulate her on overcoming her trials.    In spite of her climbing the ranks of the sisterhood in the short years that followed she never shared their fanatical devotion to Mayhail, the goddess of covens. When it was dictated by the prophetess that Euphemia would become the chosen vessel that Mayhail would inhabit to enter into the world, she became enraged at the betrayal of the coven that had hypocritically preached freedom to her. She would go on to slaughter each and every single member of the coven and burned the village to the ground. She believes her master, Glorianna, is the last surviving member and still wishes to carry out Mayhail's desire to posses Euphemia.

Personality Characteristics


Euphemia's goals and motivations would continue to be a mystery to the majority of her companions during the malevolent crisis. She would only confide in Savaric that she believed her master and mother, Glorianna, is still alive despite seeing her dead upon annihilating the coven they were apart of. She suspects Glorianna is harboring the goddess Mayhail within her as a temporary measure until she can transfer the goddess into Euphemia. Euphemia knows that as powerful an invoker she may be, she could never hope to fight against the power of a god from the void.    She had long been plagued with visions of Glorianna achieving her goal and brining Mayhail into the world by using herself as the portal. Such an event would not only be catastrophic for the world, which Euphemia cares little about, but it would also result in her consciousness and will fading into nothing as Mayhail would settle in to her new body. This seemingly unavoidable fate has driven Euphemia to near insanity, seeing Glorianna's face around every corner.   Until visions of a knight in black armor had emerged in her dreams. Whether by some prophetic insight or by the subtle ebbs of insanity, she believes this knight will rise to godlike power. Her visions would at least partially become fulfilled when she met him in the place her dreams told her to go, the prison city. There she would achieve her first goal in becoming a companion to this knight and earning his loyalty. Though if he becomes powerful enough to kill a god that has been pursing her in her drams still remains to be seen.

Virtues & Personality perks

Euphemia is an individualist who places her need for power and survival above all else. Good and evil become of little importance to her. Although she has turned on those who were  temporary allies for her own gain, she tends not to do so with those who remain on her good side.

Vices & Personality flaws

Euphemia is arrogant like most who are influenced by the nature of the void. She only respects quick thoughts and firm convictions: her own qualities. However this overconfidence can cause momentary lapses in keeping her guard up or taking her enemies seriously.     Euphemia's pride in her raw invoking power has has caused her skills with any weapon to erode over the years. She considers weapon fighting to be beneath her and asserts that a true invoker can eventually reach to a height of power where invocations are soley used in battle. However, a sturdy foe that gets in close may prove difficult for her to fight alone.   Poor Handling of Emotions – All this bluster, alongside the assumed supremacy of rationalism, makes Euphemia distant from her own emotional expression and sometimes downright scornful of others.   Cold and Ruthless – Her obsession with efficiency and unwavering belief in the merits of rationalism, makes Euphemia incredibly insensitive in pursuing the party’s goals, dismissing personal circumstances, sensitivities, and mercy as irrational and irrelevant.


Religious Views

Euphemia hates the religious factions of Herelin and their blind loyalty to any of the gods. She sees the power that one can draw from the void as just that, a source of power. And does not serve any of the gods that are imprisoned there. Because the void is highly attuned with those who have hate, anger, and fear in their hearts, she believes the void is the natural source of invokers to draw power from.




Towards Euphemia




Towards Gloriana


Chaotic Neutral
Void User, godless


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