Nogundr Geographic Location in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Nogundr is a land inhabited by the constantly civil-waring novun people who have earned their renown as a feared warrior race, specializing in peculiar war tactics and are the only people in Ferrathar who legally practice void casting. The majority of non full-time warriors are all farmers and blacksmiths who join the full-time warriors in raids to the southern coasts during the winter when there are no crops in which to tend. Because of the massive and forking fjords throughout Nogundr, the people are able to use these terrains as natural highways and have adapted overtime to become masterful shipbuilders and navigators.   The constant infighting of the people stems directly from the domineering and dogmatic nature instilled to the people by their gods. Nogundr is home to the largest pantheon of gods of whom also are known for constant infighting. Though the moral alignment of these gods range from pure evil to self proclaimed “good” , they all share some commonalities such as the condoning of slavery and human sacrifice.   The Novun people in Nogundr exist as large war band societies that seek to conquer one another when strong and live in uneasy alliances when weak. Every winter when no farming can be done, they take a period of respite from warring among themselves to raid the shores of Herelin and Erlin. While the novun are universally not tolerated in Herelin, the linish kingdoms allow trade and acts as a host nation to “peaceful factions."


A ravishing land of shimmering glaciers and mountainous fjords is across from Herelin over the freezing tides. Because of the vibrant polar lights gracing the skies at night and rainbows arcing across the fjords from their 3000 foot waterfalls by day, Nogundr is also known to the rest of the world as the land of living color. But the land here is equally characterized by its myriad of snow-capped mountains reaching higher up to the sky than any other place in the world.   The land is so frequently marked by mountains, that many villages and cities are rooted on leveled surfaces of these mountains. These settlements seldomly reach the top however, as the higher up you go the more brutal and inhospitable the cold. It is believed that the most monstrous beasts of legend are confined to the highest altitudes of these mountains by their gods as an act of favor towards them.


Nogundr reached its golden age in the second era, the singular point in history where all of its people were united under a single chieftain. This was only made possible by a chieftain reaching such a height of godlike invoking power that no one else dared challenge him. Without that level of power, the novun simply continue on their traditions of killing one another for their position as they always have. Chieftain Gaxad was the ruler of the Nogundr empire as well as the founder of the Olvem’s hand faction that is carried on today. For a few centuries Emperor Gaxad ruled over all the nations of Ferrathar.   When the Rune Knights killed emperor Gaxad, the power hungry nature of the novun people could no longer be curbed and infighting immediately resumed. Many of the factions that splintered off from the death of the novun emperor have evolved and lasted to this day, the first and most famous of these being Olvem’s hand. Nogundr is a land of only moderate resources and crafted its golden age buildings and technology from imports of empire controlled Herlin and Erlin. Old empire castles and weapons remain rare and extremely valuable today. Any chieftain if they are to be taken seriously or considered favored by one of the gods is enthroned in an old empire castle. High-ranking generals also possess old empire swords as a badge of office.
Government:   At the top of the Novun social hierarchy are the Chieftains, who rule over the large territories they conquer and command the loyalty of their vassals. These Chieftains are often members of powerful clans, and they maintain their power through a combination of military might,  fragile political alliances, and the ability to dispense patronage and rewards to their followers. Below the Chieftains were the vassals, who are typically lesser nobles or landowners who pledged loyalty and service to their lords that conquered them in exchange for protection and support. Vassals could also be granted land, titles, or other forms of patronage by their lords, and they were expected to serve their lords in times of war or other emergencies.
Inhabiting Species


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