Novun Ethnicity in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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The first novun came into being as a firstborn child was still being formed in the womb, while the dark energies of the void twisted and reformed the child during fetal development. While the theocrats would deny relation, autopsies and biological manuscripts make it clear: the novun are not another race, they are firstborn genetic defects. The energies of the void has intensified their bone density, muscle mass and causes rapid growth in their kind.   Further lending to their exotic appearance are their silver eyes: the hallmark of any invoker that surrenders their body to the physical changes of void immersion. While other races must grow in strength of the void to have their eyes changed to silver, the novun are born with silver eyes due to their inherent strong connection. Just as the firstborn inherit a natural connection and affinity in strength to the realm of serenity, so it is with the novun and the void.   The novun people settled long ago in Nogundr, a nation of perpetual cold and blizzards. Being formed in the womb by the freezing energies of the void and adapting to an arctic homeland have shaped them to be a people spiritually and physically at one with the cold. They are among the most powerful invokers in Ferrathar and the temple knights are trained to counter cryomancy for this very reason.   With superior height, strength, invoking capacity and physical immunities; one may forget the novun are a race of defects. Any physical body grows until it reaches full maturity, the novun body however never stops growing and will continue to do so until the heart is no longer strong enough to pump blood throughout the entire system. This in addition to the void having an eroding effect on the physical body contributes to the less than enviable lifespan of thirty years for the average novun.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Freya   Astrid   Sigrid   Ingrid   Helga

Masculine names

Ragnar   Leif   Bjorn   Ivar   Olaf


Shared customary codes and values

Courage: Courage is highly valued in novun culture, as demonstrated by the importance placed on warriors and the belief in a glorious afterlife for those who died in battle.   Honor: Honor is also a key value, and novun are expected to uphold their word and maintain their reputation. Breaking oaths or failing to live up to social expectations could result in exile or other forms of punishment.   Loyalty: Loyalty to family, community, and leader is a central value in novun culture. Family ties are particularly important, with extended family often living together in a household or nearby.   Self-sufficiency: The novun are a resourceful people who value self-sufficiency. This is reflected in their ability to live off the land and sea, as well as in their craftsmanship and ability to make and repair their own tools, clothing, and other goods.   Exploration and adventure: The novun are most of all known for their explorations and conquests of new lands, which reflects a value of adventure and expansion. This spirit of exploration also led to the development of seafaring skills and technologies that helped to shape the culture.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

A midwife is typically present during the birth to assist with the delivery and ensure the health of the mother and child. Novun births are filled with sacred symbols, and some of these were incorporated into birth rites. For example, the rune Heest, which represents health and protection, is sometimes carved into a wooden talisman and hung above the cradle to protect the newborn. In many regions, a blood sacrifice was made to the gods to ensure the health and well-being of the newborn. This could involve the sacrifice of an animal or, in some cases, a person.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The novuns like their firstborn ancesteres are a warrior culture and as such, warriors are given a special funeral. They were placed in a burning ship with their weapons and armor, and sent out to sea. This is believed to be a glorious way for a warrior to enter the afterlife.


Beauty Ideals

Blonde hair is seen as a desirable trait in novun society, and many had naturally blonde hair. Silver eyes are also considered attractive in novun society. Even more so than the color of hair, as the silver eyes are the marker of one's strength and connection to the void which is the dwelling place of their gods.

Courtship Ideals

Marriage is often seen as a strategic alliance between families or clans, rather than simply a romantic union between two individuals. Arranged marriages are  common, and the matchmakers consider factors such as social status, wealth, and political power when arranging a marriage. The novun society places a high value on family and community, and courtship customs reflect this. Prospective partners are often evaluated not only on their own merits but also on their family's reputation and standing in the community.
Encompassed species


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