Ronan Character in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Although the invokers from differing faiths rarely if ever coincide peacefully, there is a rare yet common enemy that remains a threat to any and every invoker. They call these people “distorted.” The temple would claim they are people who have been twisted by the void. The novun and Linish likewise would claim that a distorted is a champion of the Almighty sent to ruthlessly execute any unwilling to convert to the way.   These hysterical claims stem from a history of certain individuals with extraordinary abilities without being born invokers. These people are simply referred to as “the distorted.” No matter what kind of differing views each nation of Ferrathar has, each kingdom is still governed by theocracy. Each theocracy has only been maintained due to the power that the invokers in government wield, and using said power to relentlessly quash rebellions seeking to free themselves from religious rule.   However, every time a rebellion or insidious scheme cloaked in the darkness came close to toppling a theocratic government, it was always due to the cause being led by a distorted individual. A distorted person has the unique circumstance of being someone with supernatural intelligence, talent, and fighting abilities, yet still under the oppressive hand of theocratic rule as someone without any invoking abilities. This almost always leads them to experience non-invoker discrimination by the government, pushing them to fight for the commoner.   A distorted individual such as Ronan is born with a preternatural mind that can learn, memorize and recall anything at a rate far beyond what the mortal mind was meant to.. As the sole distorted of his generation, Ronan has mastered every form of weapon and martial art. He has mastered multiple trades such as smithing, fletching, bomb-making, poison, and potion crafting. Ronan has always been an inventor, creating several alchemical recipes and traps of his own design for fighting invokers. Ronan is found to have a creative solution in the heat of the moment when all else seems lost.   Because of his great intelligence, many of his “conversations” are him using another set of ears so that he may have a debate with himself, sharing unfinished thoughts and theories. The regular grind of the day is quick to bore him, searching instead for the biggest problem so that he may get a chance to use the full extent of his creative genius. Ronan is always thinking, giving him a detached appearance from the outside world. Oftentimes he will move on from a different subject before ever explaining fully his previous idea in layman's terms.   Ronan’s opinion from the group will always be the most logical and practical one, whenever conflict involves invokers his opinion is devoid of any emotion or even compassion. Offering the most logical solution will oftentimes lead to his opinion being skipped over by the more emotional characters. Ronan is an imaginative and original thinker, but also open-minded. The quickest way to offer a counter strategy is one based on logic and fact.   Ronan is private and withdrawn, showing enthusiasm mostly only when someone shares an interesting philosophy or one of his ideas. One must also be careful bringing him to a table full of emotionally unstable negotiators, forgetting about the emotional sensitivity of others when he is conducting discourse. With his high intellect, it can often lead to him being condescending when others can’t keep up with his pace of thought leading him to simplify things heavily or giving up entirely.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Peak Conditioning: Ronan is in peak physical condition, with extraordinary strength, endurance, agility, and reflexes. He has trained his body to the peak of mortal potential through years of intense physical training and can match an invoker's speed in a fight of melee weapons.    Martial Arts Expert: Ronan is a master of multiple martial arts disciplines and any form of weapon use.   Advanced Technology: Ronan has access to advanced technology and tools, including grenades, poisons, and various types of specialized equipment. He is a skilled inventor and engineer and has developed many of his tools and weapons himself. Many of them, such as weapon coatings or smoke bombs, can negate an invoker's abilities.

Specialized Equipment

Compound bows (of which he invented himself,), fire grenades, shrapnel grenades, acid grenades, blinding gas vials, poisoned arrows and throwing knives and ravenwood armor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ronan was fiercely warned by his family to never reveal the gift of his unnatural intellect but never explained why to the inquisitive child. Smart as he was, he was still a child and did not heed the warning. One day he had grown tired of hiding his superiority over the other children and demonstrated his skills with the bow. On a single tree trunk from one thousand feet away, Ronan wrote the name of one of the linish gods "Malu" with the arrows he fired. The parents of Ronan, were just as much devout followers of the Quinate as any linish, but the religious fanatics were still quick to kill his mother and jail his father for protecting a “spawn of Almighty." The public was all too quick to cheer for the death and arrest of his parents for harboring him.    Ronan was on the run with the guards pursuing him after his mother’s death. The guards were almost upon him, but the order of the veil had been watching events unfold, and had allegedly been keeping an eye him as they knew long before anyone else of his potential. It was no small decision to take a child from his life as he knew it and induct him into their order, but ultimately they ruled in favor of his initiation with his imminent death tilting the decision of the leaders involved.   Ultimately, Ronan found a home and family among the order of the veil consisting of invokers that had no interest in using their power to rule others but instead use power to fight injustice wielded by such invokers. He would serve alongside friends for years as their leading covert ops warrior and took pride in his talents for defeating invokers of great power with his skills. He would go on in the years to forge a long record of assassinating several witches and warlocks that were beginning to unlock their godlike potential.

Mental Trauma

Grief is a natural and expected response to losing a loved one, and it can manifest in different ways, including sadness, anger, guilt, and confusion. The grieving process can be prolonged and intense, and it may take time to come to terms with the loss. But in Ronan's case, he has never quite moved past his complicity and causing the death of his parents as a child. His anchor and sole source of peace is his place within the order of the veil.

Morality & Philosophy

It can be hard at times for Ronan to see beyond how invokers and their gods have shaped the world. To him, the annihilation of theocracy is the greatest good that needs to happen for a better world. Although he deeply blames and hates himself for the death of his parents, he sees invokers as the close second in terms of the guilty party.    Ronan tends to prioritize personal freedom and individual rights while also striving to help others and make the world a better place that can be free of oppressive theocracy. He may be driven by a sense of compassion and empathy for others but that compassion miraculously dissipates when it involves a devout and religious invoker. Ronan may sometimes find himself in conflict with both lawful good and chaotic good characters. He may disagree with the strict adherence to laws and rules that lawful characters espouse, but he may also find the chaotic approach of total personal freedom at any cost to be overly reckless or selfish.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Ronan values both personal freedom and the greater good. He typically seeks to do what is right and just, without necessarily adhering to a strict set of laws or codes.

Vices & Personality flaws

Very Argumentative – If there’s anything Ronan enjoys, it’s the mental exercise of debating an idea, and nothing is sacred. More consensus-oriented personality types rarely appreciate the vigor with which Ronan tears down their beliefs and methods, leading to a great deal of tension.   Intolerant- Unless people are able to back up their ideas in a round of mental sparring, Ronan is likely to dismiss not just the ideas but the people themselves. Either a suggestion can stand up to rational scrutiny or it’s not worth bothering with.   Biased bitterness- Ronan has a troubled past with invokers, always being the source of power grabs and kingdom-wide threats. Conflicts involving invokers are subject to Ronan’s ruthless rationale.
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
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