The Order of the Veil Organization in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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The Order of the Veil

The primary mission of the Order of the Veil is to prevent panic and chaos from breaking out in society due to the revelation of godlike abilities. They believe that the general public is not ready to handle the knowledge that beings with extraordinary powers exist among them, and that revealing this information would have disastrous consequences.   Comprising not only of firstborn and linish but also novuns, ragoki and even races outside Ferrathar. They are undiscovered by the rest of the world just as the secret they guard with their lives. Which is that there are individuals possess preternatural abilities strong enough for nationwide destruction. Their greatest weapon is the fact that these very individuals themselves have such a strong faith that no such power is possible, and that any person who comes to suspect in their potential can easily be convinced they are simply going insane.    Only a handful of times throughout the eras have there been those that have discovered their abilities. In which case the order resorts to their last contingency of setting lose one of their own godlike warriors to do battle with this person and fabricate a cover story of the massive cataclysm that will inevitably follow.
Notable Members


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