Rune Knights Organization in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Rune Knights

The Order of the Rune Knights is a powerful and ancient organization of knights who draw their power from the ancient art of runic magic. Members of the order inscribe powerful runes on their skin, imbuing themselves with magical power that enhances their combat abilities and gives them incredible strength and resilience.   To become a member of the Order of the Rune Knights, one must undergo a rigorous training regimen to build up their strength and endurance to prepare the frail mortal body to resist becoming petrified in stone during the runic etching process. Once they have proven themselves worthy, they undergo a ritual in which they receive their first runic inscription, which unlocks their full potential as a Rune Knight.   Each runic inscription is unique to the individual, and the type of runes inscribed on a knight's skin determine their specific abilities and powers. For example, a knight who inscribes runes associated with lightning may have the ability to call down bolts of lightning on their enemies, while a knight who inscribes runes associated with protection may be able to create powerful force fields to shield themselves and their allies.   In addition to their magical abilities, members of the Order of the Rune Knights are skilled warriors who have trained for years in combat techniques. They are known for their courage, honor, and devotion to their cause, and are respected throughout the land for their incredible strength and power.   The rune knights were immortalized in legend ever since their birth in the second era. Created during a time where firstborn invokers were of such a small number that they neared extinction. The novun empire succeeded in their vicious conquest of the subjugation of the firstborn kingdoms. With the firstborn invokers nearly wiped out and the novun forces bolstering with dark invokers, the hope of ever building an army that could stand up to the novun again was quickly perishing.   The firstborn resistance quickly inspired hope across the land when rumors of men with glowing skin were seen leading battle against impossible odds and unbeatable numbers. For ages man had etched runes into armor and weapons but never before in history or conceivability had managed to etch runes into living flesh. An age old secret still guarded among the rune lords today. Many have tried to replicate the rune knight's creation process but only manage to petrify their test subjects in stone.   The history of the rune lords liberating the linish and firstborn from the novun empire, as well as their stance of neutrality and self governance, grant them the rare ability to be welcome under any banner, any country, in the right circumstance. Their purpose is not to take sides in man's war, but to neutralize the threats of invokers powerful enough to put all life at risk.   Rune Knight ranks: Trooper: the common foot knight.   Vanguard: leads his seven man team of six other troopers in missions and battle.   Senior Vanguard: leads his own team of six other troopers in addition to having authority over one or two other Vanguard's units.   Knight Captain: oversees six to eight vanguard and six to eight senior vanguard.   Knight Marshal: oversees ten Knight Captains, usually around a thousand knights.   Grand Knight: Manages anywhere from two to six thousand men.   Knight Champion: a council of champions governs the rune lords, the greatest number they have ever had was eight and the fewest, four.   Grand Champion: (Promotion exists only during war) a single Knight champion given emergency powers by the rest of the champions.
Military, Knightly Order


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