Savaric, The Last Rune Knight Character in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Savaric, The Last Rune Knight

Knight Captain of the Rune Knights

Sir Savaric of the Rune Knights, hails from an order that harkens back to the second era. He volunteered for a specific etching process that had resulted in death to every individual who had volunteered to it prior. His consent to the etching was documented as such: "If I die, I will only receive what I deserve for the life I lived. But If I live, perhaps the Almighty would continue to show mercy and I would walk in that mercy."   He would go on to become the first Rune Knight of his kind. He received inhuman strength from the runes that become branded into his flesh. He would go on to hone his abilities and perfect the speed and agility that his new powers afforded him. To such an extent, that at first his kinsmen grew to be cautious of him. Not knowing if his power had any limit. Eventually, his love for his comrades would earn him reciprocated respect and adoration that won out against those wary of his growing power that coupled with his known temper for injustice.    The runes that gave him power came not without cost. Some of the effects of the etching became evident almost at once. His memories of his former life before joining the rune knights had been lost. Unknown to Savaric during the height of the malevolent crisis, he was bearer of the most hated name for generations to come: The Emperor of Steel. His identity was only known to the four knights that brought him in, that fact in addition to his face becoming branded with runes made it easy for him to pursue this new life without anyone identifying him. After the etching process, the five of them together concluded it was actually better for him not to know about the monster he used to be.    The legends of the rune knights proceeded them for the eras to come and yet still Savaric had forged a reputation within the famed knighthood as a conqueror and unmatched tactician. He had steadily built renown leading his centuria to victory against military cults, monsters, and arch mages of unprecedented power. Perhaps most astoundingly of all, achieving such victories with inferior military might but superior tactics that are said by many to be ahead of their time. His reputation of military prowess notwithstanding, his charisma and confidence inspire others to follow him without grabbing the mantle of leadership himself.   Despite his renown for military strategy, Savaric was never promoted beyond a Knight-Captain. Even so, his knack for overcoming any battle made his fellow Knight-Captains in the war room, more than ready to hand over their forces to his direction in the midst of a hopeless situation. His reputation for military genius also came with his reputation for defiance of the authority of the champions, especially because of the upholding of their neutrality.   The neutrality stance of the Knight Champions more than often hindered Savaric's efforts to enact justice outside of their jurisdiction. This has made him resentful and very critical of authority that prevents him from trying to do the right thing. During a private council of the knight champions, the Grand champion only denied the motion to exile Savaric due to the very possible reality of his one hundred dedicated followers going with him and starting their own faction.   This can however become a foothold for the emperor of steel emerging, who often accuses Savaric for his failure to act during his time underneath the knight champions, and can lead to Savaric taking on a vengeful nature, seeking to atone for his inaction and always thinking he hasn’t done enough. Always at war with the emperor of steel within him, is the knight Savaric who only wants to do what is right.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Strength: Savaric's body was etched with the runes of "strength." These experimental markings have granted his body the ability to display feats of strength and endurance that others could only dream of. The most notable examples of his power would be his ability to grapple with a bull or overturn wagons.   Master tactician: Savaric shined in his order as the greatest tactician among them. Opposing generals are constantly out-maneuvered and deceived by his methods. He is described by others as generations ahead of the strategies used by his foes.   Enhanced fencing and martial arts: Savaric is a formidable fencer in his own right, but monstrous strength packed behind a precise sword stroke and a sword that never dulls, produces a cut that can penetrate almost anything. He also took up Sirgencad martial arts of wrestling and boxing.   Journeymen rune crafting: Savaric can translate several invocations as long as they are written in the runic form. He can also etch a small number of invocations on weapons and armor himself. He etched his blade to be near invulnerable, enabling him beforehand to hone the sword to a fine razor edge that wouldn’t chip or flake after the etching.    Human roar: His rune-enhanced body parts also include throat. Savaric can scream at such ferocity as to deafen nearby foes with a bestial sounding roar. It can even produce invoking effects such as causing recipients of the sound to succumb to panic and confusion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The emperor of steel, who ruled over the Sirgencad Empire with an iron fist, was the unequaled dictator of the kingdoms over the western expanse. So far-reaching was his power that even the people of Farrathar heard of his oppression as fleeing citizens made the months-long journey overseas to Herelin. That was over thirty years ago as the last that was ever heard of the emperor was his supposed defeat and death at the hands of the rune knights.   Rumors and speculation have spun many tales of the defeat of the emperor of steel by the rune knights but few know the actual account. Upon the detonation of runes invoking serenity, this tyrant experienced a supernatural change of heart where he claimed to catch a glimpse of the Almighty. For this reason, he surrendered himself to the rune knights who initially marched to defeat him but instead agreed to induct him into their order in exchange for his surrender. Taking on the name Savaric upon receiving the new nature that guided him to live for what is good and that fights against the remnants of the emperor of steel that struggles to surface again.

Morality & Philosophy

Savaric prioritizes freedom, personal autonomy, and the common good over law and order. This alignment is often associated with characters who fight against tyranny, oppression, and injustice.   In terms of morality, he tends to be guided by a strong sense of empathy and compassion for others, and often strives to help those in need, even if it means breaking the rules or going against authority. He believes in individual freedom and is willing to take risks and break the law to protect it. However, his actions are not based on selfish motives, but rather on their desire to help others and promote a greater good.   At times, he may be seen as unpredictable or even reckless, as he tends to act on impulse and follow his own moral code, rather than adhere to established laws and norms. He is not interested in maintaining the status quo or preserving tradition, but rather in creating positive change and promoting the welfare of others.   In summary, His code can be described as a combination of individualism, empathy, and a strong commitment to the common good. While He is not always following the rules or adhering to traditional morality, He is driven by a sense of justice and a desire to help others, even at great personal risk.

Personality Characteristics


The story of Savaric picks up during the height of the Malevolent Crisis. An event where ravenous beasts that spread a deadly plague are running rampant across Herelin. His order was enlisted by the High King as a last ditch effort to save the kingdoms from complete annihilation. His order was recalled to their headquarters and then went mysteriously missing when the entirety of their forces had assembled for war against the Malevolent.   Savaric was absent from the summons, being lost in a systems of tunnels underground for months at a time. The carrier bird, who are enchanted to be able to track down their members, circled above the cave entrance for the months he remained trapped underground and delivered the summons to him when he finally emerged. When he had finally reached the rune knight headquarters, he returned to their fortress collapsed within a cataclysmic crater in the earth.    1. Savaric remains adamant in stopping the malevolent crisis. For honoring his order's word that they would help the king, for his natural compassion in helping nations at risk of destruction, and perhaps even more passionately, to seek vengeance against the forces behind the convenient destruction of his order.    2. Savaric dreams of recreating his order after he achieves his quest. He envisions a new order of rune knights dedicated to serving justice everywhere and not only when governments give them permission to act.

Virtues & Personality perks

Savaric believes in virtue, he is loyal and dedicated to his friends and followers to the end and will always keep his word to any such party. However, honor, discipline, and duty are also viewed as a weakness as they limit one's freedom. Savaric will lie, cheat and mislead evil-aligned people to achieve victory. Often arguing that they gave up those courtesies the moment they aligned themselves with evil. He sees himself as an emissary of vengeance.    Evil ones must not only pay for the wrong they have done but must suffer to serve as an example and deterrent. He believes no suffering is too great for an evil deed because it is not just the deed that needs punishment but the evil heart, which is an offense for which no punishment is too great. Taking such a position upon himself has puffed up his pride, often skewing an accurate depiction of his own evil while condemning the actions of others.

Vices & Personality flaws

Arrogant – Savaric might be capable, but he’s not infallible. His self-assurance can blind him to useful input from other people. He can also become needlessly harsh or single-minded in trying to prove others wrong.   Overly Critical – Savaric tends to have a great deal of self-control, particularly when it comes to thoughts and feelings. When other party members fail to match his level of restraint, Savaric can become scathingly critical. But this criticism is often unfair, based on arbitrary standards rather than a full understanding of human nature.   Combative – Savaric hates blindly following anything without understanding why. This includes restrictions and the authority figures who impose him. He can get caught up in arguing about useless rules and regulations – but sometimes these battles are distractions from more important matters.   Dismissive of Emotions – For Savaric, rationality is king. But emotional context often matters more than he would care to admit. Savaric can get impatient with anyone who seems to value feelings more than facts. Unfortunately, ignoring emotion is its own type of bias – one that can cloud his judgment.   Vengeful- Savaric enters a cold state of cruelty when dealing with all kinds of evil. Punishing others far greater an intensity than their wrongs may merit.


Supreme Leader Terrin


Towards Savaric, The Last Rune Knight


Savaric, The Last Rune Knight


Towards Supreme Leader Terrin


Francis, King of Sother


Towards Savaric, The Last Rune Knight


Savaric, The Last Rune Knight


Towards Francis, King of Sother


1. Blunt and Direct His words are straightforward, possibly bordering on rude or insensitive due to his temper. Example: "That plan is foolish. We charge now."   2. Formal but Passionate. Characteristic: Despite his chaotic nature, as a knight, he retains a level of formality in his speech, peppered with passionate outbursts reflecting his convictions. Example: "By my honor, I cannot stand idle while injustice thrives!"   3. Swearing and Colloquialisms Characteristic: His anger and impulsive nature could lead to frequent swearing or the use of colloquial language, which might clash with his more noble status. Example: "Curse it all, we're not leaving anyone behind!"   4. Interrupting or Speaking Over Others Characteristic: An inability to patiently wait for others to finish, reflecting his impulsive and possibly disrespectful demeanor. Example: "Enough talk! Actions speak louder than words."   5. Contradictions and Self-correction Characteristic: His chaotic good nature might lead to internal contradictions in their speech, as they balance their impulsive anger with their deep-seated desire to do good. Example: "We should strike them down! No, wait... we must not stoop to their level. We find another way."   6. Moral Justifications Characteristic: He often will justify his actions or decisions in the moment, appealing to a higher moral ground or the greater good, even if his methods are unconventional. Example: "Yes, I broke the law, but it was to save innocent lives. What's the point of laws if they don't protect the people?"   7. Intensity in Tone and Volume Characteristic: His speech might vary in volume, often louder or more intense than necessary, reflecting passionate and sometimes uncontrollable emotions.   8. Apologetic or Reflective Moments Characteristic: Despite his anger and impulsiveness, he may show moments of reflection or apology, especially if his actions inadvertently cause harm to those he cares about.
Chaotic Good
Dark Brown
The Way
Aligned Organization


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