Saphiri Republic Geographic Location in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Saphiri Republic

To the far northwest of Herelin is a desert island with canyons that web across the earth like veins. So hot burns the sun and so scarce is fertile soil that the firstborn and linish have given up the thought of expanding territory there. But on the islands center is a tower of unfathomable height. The tower of Sipheri has a perimeter so vast several Herelin cities could fit inside on the first floor. Some spaces have yet to be occupied giving way to sprouting trees in between cities, creating small forests with a stone tiled floor! The Ragoki don’t know for certain but most are assured that the great tower was built by their ancestors that ascended to godhood.   It was their godlike ancesteres that left behind powerful invocations that enable the Ragoki to survive in an otherwise impossible to inhabit land. One of these is the group invocation "Rain Chant" which requires a choir of thousands. Rain chants are a type of invocational song performed by the ragoki with goal of bringing rain to the colossal tower in which they dwell. These songs are typically performed every few months, bringing a new mass of water into their tower's gutter and pipe system.


The island of Saphiri is harsh, inhospitable and difficult to navigate, full of dangers such as sinkholes, quicksand, fierce creatures and deadly heat. Saphiri is characterized by its rugged terrain, which typically includes deep canyons, rocky outcroppings, and steep cliffs. The soil is often dry and rocky, with little vegetation and sparse water sources. The climate is usually hot and arid, with little rainfall. Despite these challenging conditions, Saphiriri is home to dangerous predators of great power such as wyrms and amphipteres. As of now, no known settlements have ever survived in Saphiri.
Dominant Race: Ragoki   Government: Replublic The governmental system has morphed into a republic, consisting of governors and one prime governor. Each governor is placed as an authority over one floor while the prime governor runs the whole tower. A governor is elected by voters from the whole tower to a term of seven years while the prime governor resides for three. The prime governor issues executive orders that can be rejected or accepted by the majority of governors. While the governors practice their authority with relative freedom as long as it does not contradict official orders. All are bound however to the laws of the founders, these may not be rewritten.   Dominant Religion: Ascension  The ragoki believe just as the firstborn do that their ancestors were firstborn that changed their forms to the rolok from Herelin. That is where the agreement ends however as the ragoki believe the rolok were ascended gods and they themselves are demigods. Many today still study the philosophy of the founders and seek arduously how to ascend to full godhood themselves. Most if not all agree that such a state is obtainable through serenity invoking.
Inhabiting Species


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