Legacy wars: ferrathar nations The Novun Empire Is Born
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The Novun Empire Is Born

Civil action


After two centuries of nefarious political maneuvering, the novun seize total control of linish kingdoms and become an empire.

The linish people had failed to keep a vigilant watch on the inner workings of their government. After a long and delicate process of propaganda and crowd manipulation the novun took control of the Erlin government. At first they managed to get one or two of their kind on the seats of the Erlin oligarchy. Many manipulated events unfolded to make the linish royalty look to have their own interests at heart at the expense of linish lives. While the novun seats were seen as kind and generous. When they finally took control of the entire oligarchy it was met with approval with over half the people. As part of the novun empire all kings with a seat in the oligarchy took orders from a novun ambassador that answered to the emperor himself.

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