Legacy wars: ferrathar nations History of Ferrathar Timeline
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History of Ferrathar

The Ancient Era

... 1600

  • 1

    1 /1 01:00

    The Creation of Laur and the Firstborn

    The Almighty creates the firstborn.

  • 356


    The Great Seduction

    The Delari assert themselves as the new gods over mankind. Death enters into the world.

  • 418


    The Linish are created
    Life, Birth

    The firstborn who follow the quinate are marked with a second set of eyes.

  • 457

    4 /5

    Birth of darker gods

    The nine gods of the void are brought into being

  • 463

    2 /3

    The Beastmen are created
    Plague / Epidemic

    Qwees corrupts the beasts of the earth to create monsters

  • 800

    1 /1

    Proclamation of 800 years
    Religious event

    The prophet Cedric announces the return of the Almighty to reclaim his people that repent in eight hundred years.

  • 909

    7 /13

    Hwol Creates Necromancy
    Life, Supernatural

    To attempt to fight back against the victories of the Almighty's soldiers, Hwol creates the dark invocation of necromancy. Thousands of animated corpses joined the holy war but it was said to have little effect on gaining ground.

  • 1575

    9 /5

    Lonost unleashed

    Lonost breaks free of his prison created by the Quinate

  • 1600

    The Almighty Returns

    The Almighty returns to reclaim Herelin from the self proclaimed gods.

The Invocation Era

1601 3200

  • 1711 IE

    4 /3

    The First Temple in Herelin Built
    Construction beginning/end

    The temple of the eternal flame was finished in Veritas, the capital of Herelin.

  • 1822 IE

    2 /10

    The Right of Conscription
    Military action

    The Temple of the Almighty officially declares the right of conscription to all invoker born children and adults.

  • 1941 IE

    2 /2

    The First Novun Is Born
    Cultural event

    A child was born of two firstborn parents, but the power of the void flowed strongly within him.

  • 2086 IE

    1 /11

    The Novun Society Uncovered
    Life, Publicity

    Whether the Novun had been breeding for years or this corner of Herelin had just been created, it is the first Novun settlement recorded.

  • 2213 IE

    6 /5

    Novun kingdom allies with linish kingdoms
    Military: War

    With aid of the newly formed novun war bands. The linish kingdoms that supplied slaves now rebel against Herelin.

  • 2281 IE

    3 /8

    The Novun Kingdom Established in Herelin
    Political event

    With help from the linish forces over the decades, the novun eventually seize the capital of Veritas and declare themselves a kingdom.

  • 2432 IE

    1 /10

    The Novun Empire Is Born
    Civil action

    After two centuries of nefarious political maneuvering, the novun seize total control of linish kingdoms and become an empire.

  • 2523 IE

    8 /1

    Rise of the Rune Knights
    Military: War

    A new breed of warrior never conceivable to man, has surfaced to fight for Herelin's liberty.

  • 2557 IE

    2 /12

    The Malevolent Plague Is Created
    Life, Supernatural

    In a last ditch effort to win a losing war, the novun invokers create a plague with dark alchemy.

  • 3200 IE

    7 /7

    Death Of Emperor Gorm
    Era beginning/end

    The Malevolent plague postponed the novun empire losing the war, but the rune knights were just too strong.

The Glory Era

3201 3900

  • 3450 GE

    2 /13

    Rolok doctrine sparks the first great inquisition
    Religious event

    Complacency breeds heresy, and the firstborn declare war on their own people and any that don't follow the way.

  • 3466 GE

    7 /1

    The Draydal Demanda
    Civil action

    Whether by desire for gain or by virtue, three of the linish kingdoms demanded the Herelin theocracy change its doctrines or incur the wrath of Malu.

  • 3667 GE

    5 /2

    Linish Alliance War
    Military: War

    Three linish kingdoms form an alliance to sail their forces against Herelin.

  • 3670 GE

    2 /2

    Linish enslavement reinstated
    Civil action

    Because of the ongoing war from three of the linish kingdoms, the theocracy reinstates slavery for linish that are only from captured from war.

  • 3707 GE

    The great expedition
    Cultural event

    The firstborn send a legion of ships, slaves and warriors to conquer never before seen land over the northern expanse. For unknown reasons, they never returned.

  • 3789 GE

    7 /4

    The Rolok Inquisition Concludes
    Military action

    The Rolok were creatures of immense power, but even they couldn't stand up to the sheer numbers of the knights of the way.

  • 3900 GE

    7 /5

    The King With The Righteous Scepter Will Return
    Era beginning/end

    The King with the Righteous scepter was executed by the temple leaders. But the temple today will say he'll be back...