Legacy wars: ferrathar nations The Almighty Returns
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The Almighty Returns



The Almighty returns to reclaim Herelin from the self proclaimed gods.

The nation is swallowed up in war and chaos, it was the last days of the era where all of life threatened to undo itself. With the four factions at endless war for over a thousand years and only escalating. In the final battle, the Almighty returned in the midst of the battlefield, shining forth brilliantly and burning away those caught in his light, except for those still loyal to him.    After he led his people to recapture the land, he broke off the western sliver of Herelin, which held a majority of the linish and sent it away on the ocean. This nation across the sea remains Erlin to this day but the rest of the land again renamed Herelin. The Quinate were taken and imprisoned in the blue moon Croya where they lay suspended in burning magma for eternity.    The children of the Quinune were sent to a miserable freezing void where they would know only pain. It’s for this punishment they are known today as the “children of the void.” The center of Croya is said to hold its own realm in its core. The Almighty had forgiven those who turned away from him but was unable to live anymore by the world stained by the sin nature of man. Their lord went to the realm of Serenity were he would hear their prayers forevermore. Henceforth mortals would pick which gods they follow by their own choice, never again compelled to worship by gods that walk in the same world as them.

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