Legacy wars: ferrathar nations Rolok doctrine sparks the first great inquisition
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Rolok doctrine sparks the first great inquisition

Religious event


Complacency breeds heresy, and the firstborn declare war on their own people and any that don't follow the way.

The rolok race was created from a grand knight of immeasurable strength of the third era who ascended from his firstborn body into the form of the mighty avian. Daylen acquired many followers that were allured with the promise of an ascended form and new revelations. Daylen had preached to his people that the rolok form was the result of what had happened when someone finally becomes fully submersed in the realm of serenity. This had at first fractured an intense schism in the temple but as soon as Daylen claimed he was a god and could ascend others to godhood with the form of the rolok, that had pushed many back to the side of the traditional way.    The temple had launched is first kingdom wide inquisition to purify the ranks of the temple and began executing the followers of Daylen.

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