Legacy wars: ferrathar nations The Novun Kingdom Established in Herelin
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The Novun Kingdom Established in Herelin

Political event


With help from the linish forces over the decades, the novun eventually seize the capital of Veritas and declare themselves a kingdom.

With the defeat of the knights at the temple of the eternal flame, the novun had siezed the government and the novun kingdom was born. Life under novun rule was fearful, harsh and born from retribution. Worship of the void gods became legalized with the exception of Lonost. Firstborn citizens who willingly became registered and ritualized into becoming a convert to one of their gods had many of their rights restored but still had many inferiorities to a novun. It’s for this reason many of the converted citizens tried desperately to give birth to a void warped child to gain standing in society. Firstborn citizens that refused worship of their gods remained without the right to buy, sell or even be allowed in certain cities.

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