Legacy wars: ferrathar nations Lonost unleashed
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Lonost unleashed



Lonost breaks free of his prison created by the Quinate

Historical documents from many prophets and religious scholars of the ancient era all tell of a terrible power escaping out into the world to spread unspeakable horrors. Records testify of a crawling mass of tentacles and animal heads, others of a flowing cloak blanketing a writhing mass of darkness. In any account all detailed this horrific figure passing over the kingdoms leaving terraformed lands and minds succumbed to madness in his wake.   The holy war was now split a total of four ways: The Almighty's kingdom, the quinate's kingdom, the void gods followers and the terraformed area of Lonost and his insane people. Lonost is the only god that is feared by the quinate and the other void gods. Many of the followers of the other kingdoms fled to the safety of the Almighty's land that remained protected by his blessing.   Toward the end of the ancient era, more and more of the other kingdoms became terraformed by Lonost. The quinate kingdoms became enshrouded in ominous light, violet mists the emanted sounds from other worlds and people who could no longer had their minds intact.

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