Federacy Organization in Legends of Enoch | World Anvil
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The Federacy is an incredibly layered bureaucracy which, fortunately, makes good usage of data systems. More benevolent than not, there are a number of Guidances which just don't make sense without a lot of background information and research, which can be painful to do if you don't have the training and immediate clearance for the appropriate information.   It’s quipped that it’s legal to go to war with another state in the Federacy - if you want to file the paperwork. Arbiters are important to the Federacy because of their ability to assist with Federacy Guidances, and there is a Guidance for everything!  

Federacy Interaction with The Houses

The Federacy does not (like to) meddle in their member states - the Houses - day to day affairs, but they are very effective at sharing human resource services in order to insure the highest opportunity for compliance. Essentially, they exported their bureaucratic methods to all other governments which gives enormous indirect influence...
  • B-crat: That can’t be issued to an unsanctioned non-military organization.
  • Govnor: Says who?
  • B-crat: Says the Federacy.
  • Govnor: But there aren’t any sanctioned military organizations. Other than FRED. FRED’s sanctioned.
  • B-crat: [Blank, somehow piercing stare]
  • Govnor: [Shrugs] Makes sense to me. [Stamps DISAPPROVED on the request form sent by the merchant house.]
That being said, the various Houses have a tremendous degree of freedom as long as it’s within their boundaries. When their practices infringe upon the care and wellbeing of others, well, the Federacy steps in and gives counsel. Which inevitably means forms, and filings all based on Guidance. It’s all pretty intentional, and has worked (reasonably) well for over two centuries.


The Federacy has three functioning groups.
  • The Presidium is the "Executive" function of the Federacy and have an extensive Thinktank Collective called The Advisory
  • The Houses, which form the quasi-independent governed bodies of the Federacy
  • The Directorates, which represent and regulate specific areas of Federacy authority and activity.
  Also of considerable interest are The Interests, which are represent the results of the colonization and expansion efforts and are considered to be the voice of the Colonists, though most suspect that this is a thinly veiled political machine of the Collection.


The rise of the New Home Federacy is the beginning of the Fourth Age. Existing for the past 300 years, outwardly their goal is Keep things going smoothly: Everything Has a Process and Sometimes the Process Has a Process. Engaging that process means that we can foresee problems and eliminate confusion. They’ve become so good at it that Innovation and Exploration Brings Way Too Much Excitement. Despite such incredibly challenging mindsets, There’s Always a Way For Those Who Know How.   People had spread over much of Majestic 2, and then the other three (habitable) moons of Majestic. The first job of the New Home Federacy was to put them in contact with one another along with a healthy dose of polity. The Federacy had developed excellent guidelines of insuring that the various member states and cities were allowed to guide themselves except when it came to interaction beyond one’s boundaries; for that, complex rules of interaction eventually rose. Thus a (relatively) benevolent representative bureaucracy was born of an organization which, initially, was an arbitration body but as the decades rolled past had became the de-facto uniting body of the settlements and member states of the New Home Federacy.

Official: In the Process of Peace. Unoffiical: Everything Has a Process and Sometimes the Process Has a Process

Alternative Names
Federacy of New Home
Federates, Federati or Feds (diminutive)
Government System
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories

Meta Note

  This is general backdrop information that should be useful in running sessions. The LoE realm is rather large and there’s so much that can go on in any given ship, base, city, planet, or star system.     Inevitably a player may ask, “how much of this can I act on in character?” The answer is “all of it.” However, it’s suggested that the character take a Character Element (Aspect, Skill, Stunt, or Extra) and devote it to such knowledge if it’s that meaningful to the player. A high level of Academics or Lore might grant some knowledge, or an Aspect would also provide some usable knowledge. It’s not that the info is readily available, it’s that PCs are incredibly rare and awesome individuals: they either have or will unearth incredibly rare and/or ancient data; perhaps they sat under the feet of a bard from a tribe of very gifted and extraordinarily deliberate Truth Speakers, who passed on information for over 5 centuries; maybe they plugged into (and were changed by) NewHomeAncientNet, the computer of Lore (if such a thing exists...)!    

Building Upon This Canvas (and Naming Conventions)

Importantly, feel free to come up with your own locales for use within New Home. It’s sure to fit somewhere! And, by the way, all of the names that I’ve posted here - Ages, Federacy, Major and Minor Houses, etc… are definitely open for change. Please make suggestions. Thanks. -mh

Articles under Federacy


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