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Aldrich Redstone

The dwarven templar of Midor. He devotes himself to his people. He promised to remove all threats to his community. The biggest threat is the Children of the Eternals.

Physical Description

Body Features

He is slightly taller than the average dwarf. He bears several scars from the day that he faced Midor's leader of the Children of Eternals.. His left arm is slightly more muscular than his right.

Facial Features

His hair is shorter than most other dwarves' hair. He chooses to keep it this way because otherwise it gets in the way.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His was a small community. A place where everyone knew each other, and very little happened. He spent the beginning of his adult life a constable for that community. That changed when the Children of the Eternals destroyed his town, and everyone in it. He devoted the rest of his life to stopping them from hurting more people. He made the anti-Eternal military force that defended Midor.

Gender Identity

He knows the form that Deos made him in, and does not intent to change it


He spent little time with a woman, as his job was strictly to defend.


He was not the sharpest axe in the armory, but he knows enough to get by. He knows how to use the forges, and how to use an axe, and all that entails.


He spent the beginning of his adult life protecting his hometown. When the Children of the Eternals burned it to the ground, he travelled to Mt. Theose to form a unit capable of combating this threat. He stayed the leader of this unit until he was forced to stop due to age.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He made a way for Midor to combat the Children of the Eternals. He is often credited with saving Midor because of this.

Failures & Embarrassments

He let his town get destroyed by not acting on a suspicious individual's actions.

Mental Trauma

"I could've saved my town. All I had to do was do a little digging. For Deos' sake, I'm a dwarf. We're known through Eternity just FOR digging, and I couldn't even do that!"

Personality Characteristics


He only wants to protect those around him. He failed to do so in his hometown, and now seeks to redeem himself.

Virtues & Personality perks

He will but others before himself regardless of any factors. If you are not him, he will think of you first.

Vices & Personality flaws

He has a tendancy to force his help unto those who don't want, or require said assistance.
Current Status
Date of Birth
4th day of the 7th month, 509 P.A.
Date of Death
20th day, of the 2nd month, 624 P.A.
509 P.A. 624 P.A. 115 years old
short, shaggy, red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light peach
110 lbs.
Believes in, and worships Deos

Cover image: by Me, with the use of A.I.
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of A.I.


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