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Aldrich Redstone and the Cult in Midor

Criminal Activity


The cult's mission is to end all life on Eternity. People need food to survive, if you control the food, you control who lives, and who dies. You control the food, you control everything.

Midor is a nation of forges. Their primary production is that of Theorium. This means that farms aren't as plentiful as other nations. The only dedicated farming district is in one of the southern mountains. It is here, that a dwarf constable named Aldrich Redstone keeps the peace. He loved his job almost as much as he loved his home. One day, he was off in a neighboring town, within a nearby mountain.   While he was away, a dark force made itself known in Midor. The cult, Children of the Eternals struck. The dwarven division of the cult gathered some of its strongest members, and unleashed their suffing unto the dwarves of that mountain, and brought it down on top of them. There were no survivors.   Midor demanded answers. Aldrich was the only one who had some semblence of a clue what could have possibly happened. He saw the event unfold from a distance, and saw the dark green magic pull the mountain to the ground. He had heard tale of a cult that could commit such acts, he never thought it possible that they would infiltrate Midor. He came forward with this information, but was dismissed quickly, as he wasn't alone in the assumption.    This was a very serious matter, as the cult was targeting Midor's food supply. The first thought was that they wished to keep it for themselves. Their glutony would destroy Midor, as no nations were willing to trade away their own food supply. Aldrich first needed to prove himself right before this cult fulfills its goal. For nearly a year, e foiled the cult's attempts to strike, but was unable to obtain sufficiant proof.   Eventually, he found himself face, to face with the leader of Midor's cult district. The dwarf was directly corrupted by an Eternal. His features were large, sagging, with hives covering half his face. Still, the man wielded magic like the magic that Aldrich saw the day the mountain collapsed. Their battle was fierce, but short, as it almost brought down another mountain. Eventually, Aldrich was victorious. He brought the dwarf's head before his king. The evil magic still hovered around it.    This was viewed as more than enough proof, and Midor's king acted on that proof. He made a task force designed specifically to rout out, and destroy any involvement with this cult, and hopefuly stop the cult all togeather. The Mountain's Collapse would live in Midor's history forever.

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