Draconic Thunderbow Item in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Draconic Thunderbow

So named because, when fired, this solid metal bow sounds like thunder rumbling in the distance. Its massive arrows have glided through the shields, and walls of Dogarus' enemies. This bow of pure metal has the single heaviest draw of all other bows in Eternity. Its raw power is unlike anything else, to the point of only draconin archers can hope to draw its full strength. Its service is long, and decorated. They allow the Dogarus Archers to rival the Brimbarian archers in sheer deadly force.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The solid steel body is what gives it its iconic five hundred thirty pound draw. The only string that can hold such strain is the Dire String. The tension allows it to fly through the air at absurd speeds, and hit its target with a force unlike anything else that any other form of ranged combat could ever hope to achieve. A bolt from this bow will easily fly through shields, and walls.


They have been used in every battle fought by the Dogarus Archers, starting with the War of the Four Nations.


This weapon is a symbol of strength in the eyes of all draconin, simply because of the raw strength requaired to draw the weapon.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Owning Organization
It is an uncommon sight, as only Dogarus Archers can hold such a powerful weapon.
15 lbs
8 feet tall
Base Price
75 Theorium Coins
Raw materials & Components
Solid silver makes up the body of the bow, and the string is made of a draconic material called "Dire String." The material sees little use, and is made up of standard twine, laced with theorium, shaped so the string can weave through its spiral. It is quite flexible, and stronger than any other string. However, it is not flexible enough to be woven into clothing, or armor.
A mold is needed to pour the body of the bow, and other smithing tools are required to refine the form. Tinkerers tools are the only tools with the precision needed to make the dire string.
Related Materials


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