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Dwarven Forgemaster

The forges of Midor are many things to the dwarves in their homes within the mountains. It is work, to provide for their families. It is warmth in the cruel cold of the mountains. The forges are led by a single dwarf. The Forgemaster is viewed similarly to a king. Their influence is all but final. The only one above them is the king himself. To obtain the metal needed to perform this work must be taken from the fires of Mt. Theose, to the frozen peaks of Mt. Belon.



In order to even hope to be a Forgemaster, one must devote their lives to the forges. Thier skill with hammer, and anvil must be unrivaled. Even if you're Theorium blades are perfect in every possible way, you must still be deemed worthy by the people, and your king. If they are deemed worthy, they may begin work as Midor's Forgemaster.

Career Progression

Once a dwarf begins work as a forgemaster, the expectations are higher than anything else that can be done on Midor. Place the hammer at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and you could get rejected, and sent back down to the common forges, or sent away from the forges entirely. Eventually, once you prove yourself worthy of the position, this expectation of perfection fades, and your position becomes permanent.

Payment & Reimbursement

To be a forgemaster is to have access to the treasure hoards of the king himself. Though it is regulated, this wealth will secure you, and your entire clan for generations to come.

Other Benefits

The influence of a dwarven forgemaster in second only to the king himself. Anything needed from the common dwarf will be provided on command.



The Forgemaster is exactly like it sounds. The Forgemaster maintains, and organizes the forges of Midor. Without the Forgemaster, the forges would fall into disrepair.

Social Status

To be a Forgemaster is to be second only to the dwarven king himself. All of Midor looks to the Forgemaster for instruction, and wisdom regarding the forges.


Ther is only ever one Forgemaster within all the Midor Mountains.


The Foragemaster came to be as the first forges were made. The first Forgemaster was also the first dwarven king. Theorus Vorsa. However, His only heir was not nearly as competent with hammer, and anvil as he was. Theorus was forced to choose a forge worker among his subjects. He would not settle for any normal smith. Theorus sought the extraordinary. The Forgemaster was now separate from the dwarven king, and that is how it has been since.



This is a job of hammer, and anvil. However, to call a Forgemaster a common smith is to call the sharpest blade blunt. Fire is the Forgemaster's closest friend.


The most important material to a dwarven Forgemaster is the glowing metal called Theorium.


The stone forge fills one half of the room, and the sound of raging fire fills the air. The pound of hammers is felt all the way to the core. Depending on the user, the Theorium blades may glow.

Provided Services

To employ a dwarven Forgemaster to complete a project is to receive the absolute pinnacle of quality, and performance from your project.

Dangers & Hazards

The fire that rages within the forges could sear a terran's skin clean off their bones. Even most dwarves struggle to withstand the heat without injury.
The role of Forgemaster is needed for Midor to function long term.
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