Oncuth Toskan Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Oncuth Toskan

The current king of Fafnia, his reign is absolute. His reign has been one of internal conflict. Not because he was an incompetent king, but his father was. When his father was murdered on his throne, Oncuth ascended to the throne, and inherited all of Fafnia's riches, and a borderline civil war during the Fafnian insurgence. He restored his nation, and made his place known among his people.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His is a stronger form than most other draconin. Though not lacking is speed, he is not all that great either.

Facial Features

Bold, strong features under short, but pronounced horns give this draconin man an intimidating expression.

Specialized Equipment

His plate armor is custom made to reflect his militaristic view on ruling his nation. His sword was forged from the finest theorium, though it does not glow in his hands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born into wealth as a prince. His father never told him exactly the hell storm his son would have to deal with. He entered the throne the day after his father was murdered on his throne. That day, he found out what his father never told him. Fafnia had an insurgent problem that was escalating into a borderline civil war. Straight away, he got to work. He called upon the divine power of the Pillar Warriors. This decision turned the problem into a full on civil war, but also ended it almost instantly. Since then, he has tightened his grip on all criminal activity, including activity from the Children of the Eternity.   During the second orc conquest, he himself led the charge against the orcs an Fafnia's shores. During the process of allying Doh'garus, and Fafnia, he didn't wear standard Fafnian segmented plate, but Doh'garan bladed plate. This was a show of good will toward Doh'garus, and ultimately aided in forging the alliance between the two. Now, he leads the charge against what is left of the Children of the Eternals.

Gender Identity

He is prideful of the form Deos made him in, and refuses to change it.


As the king of Fafnia, he needs a queen to produce an heir to his throne. While he has no queen by his side currently, he hopes to rectify that soon. One particular woman in his court seems promising.


As the king of Fafnia, he had received the highest of education, knowing everything regarding his nation, and how it functions. He knows much about arcane magic, and some about divine magic.


He has spent most of his life observing his father, and how he rules his nation. Now, it's his turn. His rule started violent, though he all but singlehandedly restored peace within his borders. Now, he takes action against the cult with great efficiency.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He stopped a civil war, survived a war against the orcs, allied Doh'garus and Fafnia, and now leads the charge against the remnants of the Children of the Eternals.

Mental Trauma

"My father may have taught me how my nation functions, but he never taught me how to govern my people. They look to me for solutions which I am largely unable to provide. All I know how to do is throw soldiers at a problem, but if I do that too often, I won't have any more soldiers. The only way to learn is to do, and that is what I must."

Morality & Philosophy

Everything he does, he does to benefit the greater good of his nation. Though he is not afraid to spend life to do this, he does not disregard it either.

Personality Characteristics


Everything he does, he does for the good of his nation.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is a man of action. He is not afraid to do what must be done to maintain the security, and stability of his nation.

Vices & Personality flaws

He often views life as a resource to be spent, as opposed to preserved, this is reflected by his militaristic rule from the moment he took the throne.


As the king of Fafnia, he recieves the absolute peak in grooming.



He has ended a civil war, survived a war against the orcs, and has allied his nation with its neighboring nation, Doh'garus, and now is working toward seeing to it that the Children of the Eternals never resurface.

Contacts & Relations

He has direct contact with the leader of the Pillar Warriors, Telthak Rastrin.


His speech is strong, even for a draconin. His deep tone, and demanding volume gets this man the attention he needs when issuing orders to those he is ordering.

Wealth & Financial state

He, as its king, is the single wealthiest man in all of Fafnia.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Issuing orders to the Pillar Warriors against what remains of the Children of the Eternals
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He is the King of Fafnia.
Year of Birth
962 P.A. 43 Years old
yellow reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
red scales
375 lbs muscular
Follows the draconic religion
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
As the king of a geopolitical body, he must know multiple languages. He knows draconic, common, munren, brimbarian, and is fluent in dwarvish.


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