Pillar Warriors Military Formation in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Pillar Warriors

Fafnia's pillar warriors. Divine warriors designed to counter Horoth's Siegebreakers should they ever go to war with Dogarus. This unit is divided into three pillars. The first pillar is the wartime offensive tier. It goes, and snuffs out all looming threats foreign, and domestic. The second pillar defends Fafnia's borders. The third pillar defends the capitol, and all religious temples within Fafnia's borders.



As only the Elite divine templars are able to become Pillar Warriors, their numbers are limited. The first pillar has only one hundred prophets, and templars. The second pillar holds one hundred fifty templars and prophets. The third pillar contains three hundred of the strongest templars.


Their armor is mainly segmented mail. This gives most of the protection of plate armor, with more than twice the flexibility. Only squad leaders are given access to Theorium equipment. Most draconic weapons are either small, and light enough to duel wield, or massive two handed weapons, longer than they are tall.


Each pillar is divided to squads of ten. Each squad leader is identified by their theorium equipment. Each pillar has a Pillar supreme, that joins a council of three. One for each pillar.


Logistical Support

The supplies used by the Pillar warriors are supplied by the government. They send someone to purchase the equipment needed to supply these pillar warriors.


Each pillar warrior must take an oath to their divine entity. This oath varies from divine force to divine force. To gain power from Arotha, you must swear to defend your people like she defended the refugees during the exodus between worlds. To gain power from Horoth, you must swear to never back down from a call to arms, as he threw himself at his call, and faced off against the armies of sin. To gain power from Deos, you must swear an oath of perfection.   Before each battle, each pillar warrior must appear alone, in a room with a holy armorer, a judge of solidarity. I'll use Xanar Fortaus as the pillar warrior reciting the pre-battle oath. (not to be confused with the oath they swear to their divine entity which they draw their power from) They approach the armorer wearing only just enough to stay decent. The armorer says to the Pillar Warrior, "Recite the oath." The pillar warrior replies, "With pride, I bear my weapons, as they are symbols of Fafnia's might" The armorer hands the weapons of choice to the Pillar Warrior. "With joy I bear my armor, as I give the gift of my life, and soul for Fafnia." The armorer secures the segmented mail to the warrior. "With humility, I bear the Fafnian insignia, as it symbolizes something bigger than myself." The armorer applies the fafnian insignia as either a pauldron, or on a shield. "With solidarity, I bear my holy symbol, as through his last stand, Horoth gives me the strength needed to make my stand for Fafnia." "Xanar Fortaus, templar of the first pillar, disciple of Horoth, are you ready to serve Fafnia, in the way Horoth served all?"   "I am ready."
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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