Ravan Iailtak Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Ravan Iailtak

The leader of the Pillar Warriors during the Years of Chaos event. Many say he is one of, if not the greatest Pillar Warrior second only to Xanar Fortaus or maybe Etaria Haedros. After the event, he enforced laws designed to keep the cult at bay perminantly.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is a strong draconin, even to the point where he is stronger than some orcs. In terms of speed, while he is not lacking, he is not the fastest either. His broad frame makes it known to all that he is not to be messed with.

Identifying Characteristics

While he is a male, and of the gold color, his Aliuma gives him black scales under his jaw, and on his chest.

Special abilities

As a templar of Arotha, he gains divine powers of protection, such as the ability to conjure a shield of any size from personal, or to summon a massive bubble large enough to protect a dozen soldiers.

Specialized Equipment

All leaders of the Pillar Warriors gat to forge their own custom armor. He decided to lean more towards Doh'garus' plated armor style to gain protection instead of flexability. His weapon choice is, not unpopular, but is rarely considered among the Pillar Warriors, as glaves are usually used only in guard duty.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born during the Two Hundred Years of Silence, and was given a false sense of security regarding the cult, and its return, thought to be never. He swore his oath to Arotha, and was found worthy. He would use his power only to protect. His service was mostly just in the realms of law enforcement. Only a few years after he was accepted into the Pillar Warriors, The Children of the Eternals returned. When they had made themselves know in Fafnia, they retuned with force. Ravan's commander fell on the first day, along with many other Pillar Warriors. He was second in command of the Third Pillar at the time, and now led the Third Pillar. He formed a resistance consisting of what was left of the Pillar Warriors, and faught the cult until the Arcane Order had arived to aid them.   With their aid, the Piaalr Warriors were able to save Fafnia. After the Arcane Order had disbanded, he returned to Fafnia, to make, and enforce laws designed to stop the cult from returning. These laws were insufficiant, as not only would they return a century later, but he would not live to see it. He was assassinated in the middle of the night, while returning from leave.

Gender Identity

He is prideful of the form Deos made him in, and refuses to change it.


He never considered to concept of love, or sex in his life, as he has always led a life that of a Pillar Warrior, and saw no reason to ever pursue any other lifestyles.


He is above average intelligence compaired to other draconin.


He spent his entire adult life as a soldier of sorts. First, he was with Fafnia's standard military. After he swore his oath to Arotha, his power grew to the point where he could become a Pillar Warrior. That is where he stayed until he was assassinated.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He led an effective resistance to push back the Children of the Eternals.

Failures & Embarrassments

He didn't see the signs that would indicate that they would return. If he had, maybe Fafnia would have been prepaired, and many would have been spared a terrible fate.

Mental Trauma

"Tilliat's fiery breath! If I had only paid attention to the little hints, and signs that surrounded me for years, all those people would still be walking around, going about their business! Not just in Fafnia, but in all of Eternity!"

Personality Characteristics


He seeks to stop the cult from ever rising again. This is the goal that drove him after the Years of Chaos.

Virtues & Personality perks

His soldiers, both non-magical, and Pillar Warrior are his only concern.

Vices & Personality flaws

His obsession with the cult cost him many things. Friends, the oportunity for love, on a few occasions, it almost cost him his sanity.



He was the type when he spoke, people listened. His tone was very angry, and demanding.

Wealth & Financial state

He was never all that wealthy, up until the point where he bacame the leader of the Pillar Warriors. He bacame wealthier than most, but simply didn't care. All that mattered to him was stopping the Children of the Eternals.
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He was the leader of the Pillar Warriors during, and after the Years of Chaos.
732 P.A. 801 P.A. 69 years old
Circumstances of Death
Assassinated by surviving members of the Children of the Eternals
two tone red, and blue reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gold majority, black on jaw, and chest.
400 lbs. muscular
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Arotha, protect this field, and my warriors like you protected all in the mass exodus before the first age. Your power is absolute!"
Arotha (protector)
Known Languages
He knows draconic, and the common language.

Cover image: by Me, with the use of Hero Forge
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of Hero Forge


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Oct 17, 2023 13:39

69 nice

Oct 17, 2023 16:58

I probably sound retarded for saying this, but I don't get it. Never have.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Oct 17, 2023 17:16

I know about the sex position but as far as the internet takes it. It is jus a funny number and when you see it you say nice.

Oct 17, 2023 18:50

Ok lol.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16