Xanar Fortaus Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Xanar Fortaus (Zan-are For-toss)

The first pillar warrior. Xanar was chosen by Arotha to defend Fafnia. The power granted to him was enough to make him Ascendant. He served his purpose well. For a hundred years, he led the Pillar Warriors toward victory, after victory. He fought the insurgents, and fortified Fafnia's defenses for once Dogarus, and Fafnia go to war again. Dispite his fame as the first Pillar Warrior, he always felt alone.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though his figure is somewhat skinny, his musculature is dense. Divine magic courses through his veins, and wings sprout from his back.

Body Features

His most dominant feature is his ascendence. The wings on his back make him one of the most attractive draconin in all of Eternity.

Identifying Characteristics

Everyone knows him by his ascendence. The segmented armor, red scales, and the ascendence are what gives him his unique appearance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xanar was drafted into the Fafnian army during their civil war. He fought valiantly, but still, the Siegebreakers tore his army apart. He thought to make the Pillar Warriors. In his mind, once Fafnia, and Doh'garus go to war again, they must be ready. He was the first pillar warrior, and the leader thereof. Though Doh'garus, and Fafnia didn't go to war in his lifetime, the pillar warriors did protect Fafnia from other threats. Xanar led the pillar warriors against the insurgents, and fortified Fafnia's borders.   He lived a long life, and died a lonely death.

Gender Identity

He knows the form Deos made him in, he knows that form's purpose, and he does not indent to change that.


As much as he wanted to find a woman to spend his life with, he could never find one. Any who got close enough to him to even start to consider this either stabbed him in the back, or was stabbed in the back. In the end, he was alone.


He was only slightly smarter than the average draconin. Few knew more about divine magic than he did.


Xanar was a soldier ever since the Fafnian civil war. He stayed that way until the healers said he couldn't. Even after he stopped fighting, he helped others to fight. He selected new Pillar Warriors, and taught them the importance of this role.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He was not only the first pillar warrior, but also the leader of the pillar warriors. His ascendence was proof enough of his power.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite his rank, and the capability of his army, Horoth's Siegebreakers still broke his line. Fafnia was split in two.

Mental Trauma

"Is war all there is? Is my only purpose to end life? Or can I someday create life? I cannot do this alone. Every time I think I'm not alone, they get taken from me. My purpose is clear now, and it brings no solace."

Personality Characteristics


The Fafnian civil war taught him that Fafnia is not invulnerable. This scared him. His ultimate goal was to protect his home. That is why he came to Arotha for his power. That is why he placed a wall between Dogarus, and Fafnia. That is why he made the pillar warriors.

Virtues & Personality perks

His home is the most important thing to him. Don't let his stature deceive you, he may be as large as an orc, but he is a gentle giant.

Vices & Personality flaws

Too often, he lets his depression get in the way of his mission.


Religious Views

Deos is his creator. That much he knows. He does not know how Eternity came to be. Many say how Eternity was made by Deos as a sanctuary from a crumbling, sinful existence. Still, he wonders is that is true, as if it were, it would be designed for them with every need in mind. Why are there deadly creatures? why do storms rage in Heodar? These are not things Deos would make.He doesn't know what made Eternity, and he doesn't pretend to know.
Current Status
Date of Birth
4th day of the eighth month, 52 P.A.
Date of Death
12th day of the 3rd month, 217 P.A.
52 P.A. 231 P.A. 179 years old
yellow reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
red scales
250 lbs.
He knows, and worships Deos as the creator, but pulls his divine power from Arotha, one of the two saviors.


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