Siegebreak Fields Geographic Location in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Siegebreak Fields

The fields owned by Dogarus sticking into Fafnia's boreders. They are named the Siegebreak Fields because they are the fields where Horoth's Siegebreakers snapped the fafnian line at the end of the Fafnian civil war. Now, the blood stains of those who died here have been clensed with time, and it is one of the most beautiful places on Eternity.


This land is long, wide, and flat with rolling hills, and as the name implies, seemingly endless fields of tall, golden grass. Off in the distance to the north, you can see the dragon peaks. To the east, you can see the southern end of the Midor Mountains. To catch it during sunset, to see the silhouette of the mido mountains in the distance is one of the most beautiful sights one could hope to see on Eternity.


The tall grass provide food for much of the fana that roam these fields. That fana provides food for the Zaerta packs, or even lone zaerta that roam the same fields.


During most months, it is warm, andmoist, making it a suitable environment for the zaerta that roam these fields.

Fauna & Flora

While this is a beautiful place, it is also dangerous. Much of the fana is canivorous, and would not hesitate to kill any draconin for food.


It was named Siegebreak Fields the day that Horoth's Siegebreakers snapped the Fafnian line during the Fafnian civil war. It has since been declared to be historic ground, and is protected by the Dogarus councel.


Many draconin travel across Dogarus, and Fafnia alike if for no other reason than just for its natural beauty.
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Me, With the use of A.I.


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