Legends of eternity: war of the eternals Belimir vs Belon
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Belimir vs Belon

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


This new threat takes hold of all things, and turns them into something they're not. Even the purest beings can fall to this teptation.

Belimir Derther was the single greatest soldier that Heodar ever had. He nearly singlehandedly saved Heodar during the orcish conquest. Now, a new threat is on the horizon. The dragon Belon has been infected by the same foul force that nearly destroyed Brimbaria. This force corrupted Belon, turning him from a being of purity, to a being that only thinks of his greed. He attacks every village, and city with the hopes of expanding his wealth.   His rampage tok him the Heodar, where Belimir was forced to fight off the beast. Still, the fight was not over. Belon would just return, and cause more destruction. He had to go to Mt. Belon in Midor. He made his journey, and faced many dangers on the way. Eventually, he made it to the summit of the mountain.    He mat his foe, dragon, and Eternal. His goal was not to slay the beast, but to save him. Belimir sought to free Belo from the corruption, and the sins that were forced upon him. The battle was fierce, Belimir would not give one inch. Niether would Belon. It eventually became clear that Belimir would have to choose between Belon's life, or his own. He chose his own, and was forced to kill the beast.   Belimir returned to Heodar with this failure locked in his mind. The loss of Belon would cause an uproar in the draconic nations, and blood would be shed. This was the last adventure od Belimir Derther.

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