Belon Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Belon (Bay-lon)

One of the three dragons that survived the journey to Eternity. Belon made his home in Midor's largest mountain. He couldn't bear to live near Tilliat, and Matrias, as he was ashamed of how he left Arotha on the old world. He blamed himself for the loss of Arotha, and devoted his life on Eternity to making things right. He became a being of purity in the eyes of the draconin. He only died when one of the Eternals entered his soul, and Belimir Derther was forced to kill him to defend his own homeland.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

His is the broadest wingspan among the three dragons that made it to Eternity. The sail running from the top of his head to the tip of his tail is what many people recognize him by.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Belon was hatched into a world of sin. He watched as those who came before him were brutally slaughtered by the armies of sin. His one love, who he thought he'd spend an eternity with on the new world, was taken from him on the old. He blamed himself for this, and devoted himself to being a being of purity. He believed this to be the only way to redeem his carelessness. WHen an Eternal entered his soul, and deceived him into causing destruction in Heodar, he was slain by the terran knight, Belimir Derther.

Gender Identity

He knows the form that Deos made him in, and refuses to change it.


He had already bound himself to Arotha, and was going to spend an all his years with her.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He survived the sin of a dying world.

Failures & Embarrassments

He had been careless, and his carelessness cost him the most important thing in his existence.

Mental Trauma

"How could I bee so careless?! All I had to do, was stay on the old world with her for just a few more moments, and she would still be here now. I can't possibly show my face to Tilliat, and Matrias. They'd shun my very existence, and rightfully so. I wish there was a way to make this right, but a sin like this cannot be forgiven."

Personality Characteristics


He hopes to redeem the carelessness that cost him the life of his beloved.

Virtues & Personality perks

He will never intentionally do the wrong thing. Before he acts, he analyzes the moral angles of his action, and chooses the one that avoids any form of sin.

Vices & Personality flaws

He often lets his guilt, and desire to redeem himself separate himself from all, and this causes him to be lonely.



husband (Vital)

Towards Arotha




wife (Vital)

Towards Belon




They met on a dying, sinful world. They seemed to be the only things that cared for things other than greed, violence, or lust. They shared a common goal, to leave the sin, and strife of the old world behind. Their pursuit of this goal brought them closer together, until they bound themselves to each other for eternity. Belon was crushed when he found that his carelessness was the thing that had killed Arotha.

Current Status
542 B.A. 351 P.A. 893 years old
Circumstances of Death
He was slain by the human knight Belimir Derther
Arotha (wife)
Yellow, reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green scales
20 feet at the shoulder
7.8 tons
Deos (The Creator)


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