Legends of eternity: war of the eternals Kainox's Conquest
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Kainox's Conquest

Era beginning/end


The conquest of Kainox, the Undying. Orcish ruler, and supposed immortal deciple of the evil forc called, the Eternals.

In the year 324 P.A. an orc by the name of Kainox was shun by his clan. He had nothing, and no one. He ventured into the dead lands with the hopes of ending his miserable life. Instead he found something much more terrifying. He was confronted by a being that claimed to have made Eternity. It's dark, featureless form hovered above him. This thing called itself an Eternal, and it said it had a job for Kainox. It said mortal beings don't belong on Eternity, and that they are an infestation that must be cleansed. This, Eternal gave a rune-carved great cleaver, saying so long as his hand is on this sword, he'd be immortal. The blade was blacker than night, with dark, green cracks running up, and down the jagged blade. When Kainox grabbed the blade, a noxious, green smoke poured from the blade, and acid dripped to the ground.   The task given to him was to end all life on Eternity. The reason these Eternals didn't destroy Eternity entirely is, it took these beings hundreds, of thousands of years to create this world, and they didn't want to repeat the process.   Kainox returned to the orcs of his tribe with the weapon of darkness, and challenged him to a duel to the death. Kainox was victorious. He became the new chief of his people, but he didn't stop there. Kainox would go on to slay all chiefs, and lead all orcs under the same banner. He earned the name Kainox, the Undying. The Eternals supplied his army with weapons of the same material. However, they did not have the same enchantment to make them immortal. This dark metal was named, Doom Steel. Kainox took his new army, and and marched on the nations of Eternity. The halfling north was his first target. Kainox's forces easily decimated the unarmed halflings. Midor was next. The dwarves put up a fight, but were overrun. Heodar's military was disjointed at best. Pair that with how they were flanked from everywhere but the south. While this war was fought, the last two dragons, Tilliat, and Matrias would search for the source of this seemingly supernatural assistance given to the orcs.   Any civilians, or POWs were put to work in the forges where they processed the Doom Steel. Only three nations were left; Fafnia, first draconic nation, Dogarus, second draconic nation, and Brimbaria, nation of elves. Unlike every other nation, they were prepared for war. Brimbaria had forged hoards of weapons, Fafnia gad just formed their Pillar Warriors, and Dogarus had Horoth's Siegebreakers. Together, they were able to push the orcs back to their homeland. They liberated the slaves in the Doom Steel processing plants. Kainox fell into myth. The end of the war also marked the end of an era. Now, everyone knew that war cannot be truly avoided, and they'd have to be prepared.

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