Orc Woods Organization in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Orc Woods

Divided into several tribes, these woods of the western landmass all belong to the orcs of Eternity. They are largely left alone as the conquest of the first age gave the orcs a bad name. The orcs historically have been lead by one orc, Kainox the Undying. They've spent most of Eternity's history in a seemingly perpetual dark age.


There is very little organization. The only real organization with the orcs would be the social order that goes, chief, soldier, hunter, female, then children.


There's is a culture of warriors. Everything comes back to strength, their kill count, and the size of their tusks.

Public Agenda

The orcs of Eternity were given purpose by the Eternals. They were told to end all life on Eternity, to remove the stain from their once pristine world.


Their only asset, and the only one they think they need is their massive military. They have unlimited access to the dark material called, Doom Steel.


Like the other nations, this "nation" was forged in the first years after arrival. They dispersed through the woods of the western landmass, and formed their tribes. Only three centuries after arrival, An orc by the name of Kainox killed all the other chiefs, and united the orcs under his banner. They waged their war on Eternity with the intent of extermination. They were pushed back, and thrown into a seemingly perpetual dark age. Only recently have they recovered.

Demography and Population

The orcs live close to Mt. Prime. No one knows why it's called that, or why they live near that mountain specifically. Those either brave, or foolish enough to get close enough say it's named after the Eternal Prime. The supposed leader of the Eternals.


The vast majority of all orcs are devoted to military service. Only the bare minimum are devoted to maintaining their settlements.


The orcs worship the evil force called the Eternals, a group of thirteen different beings who made Eternity with the purpose of escaping the strife that comes with mortals. Once the refugees made landfall, their once perfect creation now had an imperfection. The orcs were tasked with correcting this imperfection.

Foreign Relations

There are few foreign relations as after their attempted conquest, they were left to rot by the other nations.
Founding Date
24th day of the 9th month, 4 P.A.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of Government
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations
Related Items
Related Species


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