Aggriant Shift Physical / Metaphysical Law in Leland Peninsula | World Anvil
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Aggriant Shift

An aggriant shift is a physical phenomenon akin to an earthquake or rock slide caused by unstable enmantic energy. This instability can be caused by humans or animals using enmanities but will not occur without prior energy manipulation done in the area. It can be created purposely, but often it is the result of improper precautions taken when aggregants are working in a particular area or by an animal population undergoing stress.   While it is possible for an aggregant to sense the instability and take actions to stave off a shift, this can be tricky in practice without merely shifting the instability somewhere else. It is also impossible to predict what the physical manifestation of the instability will entail. It could result in something similar to a normal rockslide, but an aggriant shift could also force earth up an incline instead. There might be explosions or the ground itself could completely dissolve. Solid rocks might become molten with no warning or an island might break in half.   Aggriant shifts are of particular concern for miners who could find themselves in a tricky situation if enough aggregants are working in an area of a mine or something unexpected happens on the surface. For this reason, mining companies are mandated by confederate law to have a petragean accompany every mining team and monitor the conditions.   One of the most well known aggriant shifts occurred in Dikden in 980. Improper construction practices contributed to dangerous instability in the area, but warnings of petrageans went unheeded leading to the deaths of almost a hundred people when the shift caused a landslide that wiped out the town.

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