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Crystal Lantern

A crystal lantern is a light source created by the excitement of energy within a crystal which causes the internal structure to glow. While the concept is simple enough to grasp, an aggregant must be knowledgeable about the energies and structure within the crystal in order to produce an effective lantern in terms of brightness and longevity.   The light created by a single crystal lantern is rarely that brighter than that of a candle, but it is safer to carry than most other light sources. This makes it a popular choice for those exploring caves or other dark places, especially by illuminates who are able to amplify the light through the use of their enmanity.   Crystal lanterns require charging after a certain period of time dependent on the crystal and the skill of the aggregant. A dim lantern is easier to charge than one that has gone completely out, but a crystal that has been used as a lantern previously is easier to charge than a virgin crystal. Depending on where the lantern is purchased, the owner may be able to receive free or discounted charges by the aggregant who created it.   Crystal lanterns can be found in all parts of Leland using a variety of different types of crystals. Expired crystal lanterns from centuries past have been found in caves and underground structures, such as the Shrine of the Outsiders. While their primary purpose is as a light source, they are also used for aesthetic purposes.
Mapvember 2022
Generic article | Jan 2, 2023


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