The Second Dubrian War Military Conflict in Lerulious | World Anvil
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The Second Dubrian War

The First Dubrian War was a short and almost civil affair, as wars go, with precious few casualties on either side and little territory changing hands as a result. The Second Dubrian War was nothing like it. Fueled by anger and sadness at the passing of his father, Maedus Faheem declares war on Dubria.   The offensive meets with some initial success, including the capture of Fort Vesteem, but the tides of war shift against Faheem before long, and what began for Dubria as a defensive war becomes a march of conquest. Captured soldiers of Faheem are rare, and often executed rather than be imprisoned or ransomed back to Faheem, though sometimes prisoner exchanges become possible when Faheem manages to capture Dubrian soldiers.   The long and bloody conflict is costly to Dubria politically, and Kiulmaa is forced into internal conflict over their aid to Dubria before regime change ends the two nations diplomatic relationship. The citizens of Dubria as well tire of sending their sons and daughters to pacify the eastern nation well before the end, and the lack of support draws the conflict out ever further.    Eventually, Dubria's forces push all the way to the eastern shores of Faheem, and storm the capital city of Maylif. There, Grast duels Maedus Faheem and slays him. No resistance remains from Faheem's troops after the death of their king, and Faheem is swiftly annexed.
Start Date
The 29th day of Flowerfall (the 4th month) in the 51st Year of Record
Ending Date
The 11th day of Allsgather (the 8th month) in the 62nd Year of Record
Conflict Result
Dubria conquers and annexes Faheem

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