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Grand Knarloc

When Ordo Xenos savants and Adeptus Mechanicus biologists accompanying the Achilus Crusade first saw footage of the huge Great Knarloc, they took it for some kind of archaic precursor remnant of the Kroot species. They compared it to the saurian creatures that are found on many other planets across the galaxy, seeking to explain the creature’s bizarre form. Of course, with such a narrow frame of reference, the Great Knarloc made no sense, and it was only when the unique genetic traits of the Kroot species was discovered that a deeper understanding dawned. The Great Knarloc was not, the savants realised, some primitive, pre-historical ancestor that somehow survived into the present day. It was instead a close relative of the Kroot, representing a branch of the same genus or family and as such shared many of its basic characteristics. Great Knarlocs are large beasts, their powerful bodies powered by massive, muscular rear legs which while not especially fast are capable of bearing heavy weights and allow the Great Knarloc to trek huge distances without tiring. They have smaller frontal limbs, which they use to grasp food and to scavenge in undergrowth or soft earth. Their heads are visibly similar to the Kroot’s, though the proportions are different. Great Knarlocs have small eyes and poor eyesight, and massive beaks that they use to disable prey and tear flesh and bone apart. Great Knarlocs are solitary creatures, dwelling in the deep forests of Pech. They rarely actively hunt, subsisting on a range of food sources, from carrion to creatures they happen to stumble upon in their environment. They remain relatively docile most of the time, but when angered they display savage bursts of violence. These characteristics make them ideal for use as domesticated beasts amongst the Kroot, who utilise them in a variety of roles. Many Kroot Kindreds, especially the mercenary groupings that range far from their home world, utilise Great Knarlocs as baggage animals. The beasts are loaded with all the supplies the Kroot may require, acting as both mobile arsenals and pantries. Great Knarlocs utilised in this manner are attended by a small group of handlers and often muzzled in case they become enraged and attack their keepers. While it is not intended that these baggage beasts should be required to fight in battle, if a supply column should be ambushed they are quite capable of defending themselves. The handlers use their sharp goads to enrage the creature, driving it towards the enemy on which it vents its anger until little more than the crushed and broken bodies of the foe remains. Other Great Knarlocs are used as living battering rams, driven into battle by highly experienced handlers. These beasts are selected for their speed and aggression, which is moderated by pheromone excretions produced by the handlers. In battle, they are driven straight at the enemy, scattering their formations and crushing any not fast enough to get out of the way. A fully-grown and suitably goaded Greater Knarloc is capable of tearing armour panels with its huge beak and smashing an armoured vehicle apart. It is a truly terrifying opponent to face. More easily controlled Great Knarlocs are sometimes used as platforms for a variety of primitive heavy weapons. Huge crossbows and cannons are strapped to a crude saddle and crewed by two or more Kroot. These weapons are similar in nature to the Kroot rifle, in that they represent the simple t e c h n o l o g y of the Kroot upgraded by the Tau. Instead of iron bolts for example, the Kroot bolt thrower fires explosive-tipped rounds, utilising the same technology normally seen in Tau smart missile systems. Imperial forces facing Great Knarlocs have found it necessary to treat them as enemy vehicle sheer rage. targets and bring anti-armour weaponry to bear in order to halt their charge before it hits home. The creatures’ large mass makes them mostly invulnerable to small arms fire and they are tremendously resilient to wounds that would cripple most other beasts. Targeting the handlers is a risky tactic, for without them the beasts become even more enraged and often attack the nearest prey, friend or foe, with renewed savagery. It has been found that pinpoint sniping while the Great Knarloc is surrounded by other Kroot is the most effective tactic, for repeated shots can drive it to attack nearby troops out of
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

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