Central Pass

The Quaking Gate of Old Enor

What I wouldn't give for a night without the rumbling roar of the quaking earth and the days of repairs that will undoubtedly follow.
— Larál Koplige, Guard on Olok's Wall
  The Central Pass is a wide gap through the otherwise unpassable and deadly terrain of the Enlitic mountains. Located roughly in the middle of the mountain range, the Central Pass serves as a gateway between the human and Panedur controlled south and the unexplored aberati-infested lands to the north. Built across the southern side of the passage is Olok’s Wall, an ancient fortification built first by the Enori after their first deadly encounters with the Aberati of the Pass. Much of the wall remains in disrepair, however, as the earth has a habit of shattering and reforming, damaging structures and opening new holes for the aberati to crawl out from.  


Frequent tremors and the ever-shifting earth have left the Central Pass a labyrinth of sharp edges and deceitful gaps, some of which are seemingly without an end. Marching an army or leading a trade caravan through the mountain pass would be a foolish endeavour, even without the aberati presence. Casualties from unexpected cracks in the ground, the frequent earthquakes, and the sharp and jagged surface of the land are to be expected and whenever people are sent forth beyond Olok’s Wall, they’re almost always a small group of soldiers with distinguished trackers. Edible plants and animals are also a rare sight in the pass, further limiting extended expeditions further into the area.
Alternative Name(s)
The Northern Gate
Mountain Pass
Location under
Included Locations
Olok’s Wall
Building / Landmark | Jul 28, 2024

Olok’s Wall is an ancient series of fortifications that was built along the southern side of the Central Pass by the Kingdom of Enor to protect the realm against the aberati threat to the north.


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Aug 22, 2024 13:28

Does not sound like a good place to be for any long period of time

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