Olok’s Wall

Ain't it strange that despite all the gorgeous Enori architecture in Lotwerstá and Trotlí, this wall is just a stack of crumbling rocks that are barely held together with some wooden supports? Considering the age of this place and how often they keep yapping on about its importance, you'd expect it to be some grand wonder of the world with walls that reach up into the clouds and towers that could house thousands.
— Larál Koplige, Guard on Olok's Wall
  Olok’s Wall is an ancient series of fortifications that was built along the southern side of the Central Pass by the Kingdom of Enor to protect the realm against the aberati threat to the north. Originally constructed as a temporary measure, the long wall ended up becoming a permanent asset to the kingdom as its armies had failed to push further into the pass and secure the territory. After Karl Herwik’s invasion and conquest of most of Enor, the wall and its surrounding lands became a part of the new Kingdom of Enliten, who continued the practice of manning the wall with a permanent garrison.  

Current State

For decades, perhaps even a century or more, the Aberati of the Pass have remained elusive, staying out of human and panedur sight. Many of the new settlers arriving in the Kingdom of Enliten have even begun to wonder whether this supposed threat exists at all or if they've all been fooled by the bitter Enori who resent them for conquering their homeland. An air of purpousness has sapped the dwindling garrison of most of its motivation and drive. Instead of diligently patrolling the pass and repairing the walls they now just sit in their mossy hovels and wait until their service can come to an end. Those few who do seek to contribute are also forced to idle as a shortage of supplies and funding limits what ressources they can use for repairs and training.  


The defence of Olok’s Wall is the responsibility of Lord Emil Aberwik, the General of the Northern Garrison. As it stands, their force is mostly made up of conscripts from the Unincorporated Territories of Enliten, with the rest being professional soldiers who command and help the fresh recruits train.   Lord Aberwik has been forced to plead for additional support in various courts throughout the realm as of late, leaving Lord Maris Pilla as the commander of the garrison in his absence. Halver Alwenail acts as Lord Pilla’s right-hand man, but some suspect him of holding a grudge against his superiors.


As the Kingdom of Enliten is a desolate land with wild fields and forests covering the vast majority of the territory, it serves as a perfect escape for those wishing to build a new life for themselves. The boldest and most freedom-loving of such newcomers often end up in the unincorporated territories where no lord or lady has sway over them and where they’re free from taxation and most obligations. The only thing the realm demands from them is their contribution to the defence of the wall, should a recruiter arrive to summon them. When representatives of the garrison arrive in a village, they typically leave with a handful of fresh recruits in toe. Such militiamen are expected to serve for anywhere up to 9 to 36 months.
Founding Date
840 BA
Tower, Wall
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Eastern Watchtower of Olok's Wall by Midjourney


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Aug 5, 2024 01:27 by Chris Burson

Nice Article. I like the idea of how you applied this Summer Camp Prompt to a wall or old temporary fortified position. History shows us that different empires often build fortifications on sites of previous fortifications. The other neat concept you put in is the Idea that the garrison has little interest in doing its duties which invites all sorts of interesting twists and seeds for adventure. I don't know much about your world but I gave you a follow it looks well polished and to be an interesting setting.

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