
Wielder of Vitality

Ah what does the average person know anyway. Darn fools don't even know the difference between an actual vitatier and some poor whelp who just happens to suffer from the Blood, but knows little of magic.
— Taff Obels
  Vitatiers are individuals who are afflicted with Vitatier's Blood and use the abilities granted to them from the condition to wield the powers of vitality magic. While the typical vitatier is a competent magic caster, as knowledge of the vitatiers and the affliction they bear isn’t well known, the general population regularly refers to everyone with Vitatier’s Blood as vitatiers, even if the strict definition of the word applies only to those who regularly use their magical abilities.  

Military Service

Many of those who have aspired to master their powers have gone on to serve in elite specialised forces throughout the continent, such as the Mētia Arīsi of the Federal State of Alinhas, for example. Military service provides vitatiers with a clear goal and purpose, which can be vital for coming to terms with their condition and learning to live with its influence on the mage’s mind and body. Being surrounded by like-minded comrades who suffer from the same affliction helps all of them endure through the sleepless nights and horrific visions, and the rarity of their skill set and the value they provide means that are often generously rewarded for their contributions to whichever realm they serve.  


Before one can consider serving in an army, especially in an elite unit, they must first receive a thorough education to learn how to make use of their abilities. Aspiring pupils often seek out experienced masters who can serve as mentors, but in a few parts of the world there exist proper institutions of learning, such as the University of Trotlí, where students can study in a safe academic environment and receive whatever help they might need.
Alternative Names
Vitality mage
Highly desirable
Illegal in the Empire of Pallernen, March of Mareh, Grand Duchy of Yegri and the Alstiseriaic of Athe
University of Trotlí
Organization | Sep 17, 2024

The University of Trotlí is an ancient and internationally renowned institution in the Kingdom of Enliten that educates people in both magic and statecraft.


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