Vitatier's Blood

Blessing and a Curse

The tiring and horrific burden we bear is a tool for the defence of the realm and its kind-hearted people.
— Alālis of Last Hope
  Vitatier’s Blood is a rare non-hereditary condition that grants those afflicted the ability to wield vitality magic, but at the cost of severe psychological consequences which can lead to a significant deterioration of their quality of life. The power they wield and the reputation of mental instability surrounding them has led to widespread persecution against those suspected of having Vitatier’s Blood, but not all lands are so intolerant and there are safe havens in the world where the afflicted can live out their lives in peace or learn to master their inherent abilities.  


The condition begins to exhibit symptoms when a child afflicted with it reaches the age of puberty, at which point they will suffer from regular nosebleeds. In more severe cases, the bleeding can also come from the victim’s ears, according to a few rare reports. These initial signs of Vitatier’s Blood fade with time as the one suffering from it reaches adulthood.   The exact cause of the condition is unknown, but several scholars have suggested that it might have something to do with the mental state of the afflicted. Everyone with the condition suffers from some form of mental illness, such as depression or anxiety. Whether the psychological disorders increase the likelihood of a child being born with the condition or if Vitatier’s Blood is what leads to the development of such mental health issues is up to debate.  

Visions of Death

Though Vitatier's Blood can grant people powerful abilities, it is as much as a curse as it is a blessing. Those affected by it suffer from hallucinations, see sudden visions of death and the dead bodies of their closest family members, whether or not they're alive or long dead, and their nights are often haunted by suffering and horror as they attempt to sleep. How often a victim of the condition sees such disturbing visions depends on the individual and the severity of their affliction.   Many of those suffering from Vitatier's Blood resent the condition, finding little to no relief from the magical abilities that it gives them, especially as there are many in the world who look upon vitatiers with distrust.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare
Affected Species

Perception and Discrimination

Followers of Hillenēq Hūril view those with the condition with suspicion and weary, as they believe that those affected by it are more likely to commit unpredictable acts of cruelty. Several influential realms that adhere to the faith have openly discriminated against the afflicted, including the Empire of Pallernen, which amplified its persecution under the reign of Âldal the Daybreak.   Both the Baglāmist and the Orthodox branches of Aprēaq Hūril agree that the unjust murder and persecution of people with such a condition is inhumane and a blatant violation of Aprēa‘s graceful teachings.   Realms such as the Kingdom of Enliten and the Federal State of Alinhas offer refuge to those fleeing such discrimination and persecution. There, the afflicted have the opportunity to attend renowned institutions such as the University of Trotlí, where they can learn to master their powers in a safe environment under the supervision of learned professors. Vitality mages are especially respected in Alinhas, especially those who’ve served in the Mētia Arīsi, the country’s elite special forces that are masters of subterfuge and assassination.


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Dec 11, 2018 10:16

Nice work Dhelian! I like how you tied it together with the Hillenists and how they are very much against anyone with this condition!

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