University of Trotlí

Institution of Learning

The knowledge and wisdom we’ve accumulated in Trotlí is immense. It’s no wonder then that everyone from Eilne to Marcher’s Light hungers for a chance to attend such an esteemed institution.
— Harál Herwik, King of Enliten
  The University of Trotlí is an ancient and renowned institution dedicated to the preservation of knowledge, research of the unknown, and the challenging of preconceived notions. Located in the academic heart of the Kingdom of Enliten, the university has attracted students and learned academics from all across the world, filling the halls and auditoriums with folk of all manner of different backgrounds. Several of the school’s programmes have drawn the attention of foreign students and governments alike, as the university has been at the forefront of research in subjects such as vitality magic and the theory of incorporeal forces.  

Ancient Institution

Originally founded by the Enori roughly 2400 years ago in 852 BA, the university served to pass on the ancient knowledge of the Patic Kingdom and their mastery over stone and steel. The great and wealthy kingdom had been laid to ruin in 865 BA and those who survived settled in new lands, establishing the Kingdom of Enor and the town of Trotlí, or, as they called it at the time, Itål-Asi. Many of the wise masters and scholars of Tålpau, the capital of the old realm, had survived and hoped to rebuild a new institution of learning, but it took over a decade for their dreams to become a reality as the Enori faced near total destruction at the hands of the aberati in 860 BA.  

Struggling Scholars

Enor was never a prosperous land, with its lands wild and undeveloped, and so seldom did the realm have funds to spare for the struggling university. In the early years, the masters taught out of the goodness of their hearts with a desire to preserve the ancient knowledge that they alone knew, yet as the years turned to decades, so too did the generosity of the masters. Fees were eventually introduced, meaning only the sons and daughters of the wealthy elites had the privilege of learning. Yet even that hadn’t been enough in times of crisis, when all the realm struggled to make ends meet. There were several years and even decades when the school was forced to shut down until the country could recover.

University of Mages

The university had been abandoned for nearly a decade by the time the forces of Karl Herwik and his band had vanquished the Enori and forged the Kingdom of Enliten. The old building that stood by the river had cracked and crumbled, but the new masters of the land refused to let it fall apart, instead they restored it to its former glory, establishing the new University of Trotlí. Instead of focusing on the mastery of stone and metal as before, the new establishment set its sight on researching magic and providing its young leaders with the education they needed to reign over the land and its people.    

Freedom to Question

Enliten was a nation founded by dissidents that had fled their original homeland either because they believed in faiths considered heretical, disagreed with the leadership of the realm, or simply had the misfortune of being born with a condition that granted them magic and suffering. It was only natural then that religious tolerance and freedom of speech became some of the cornerstones of the renewed institution.   Such freedoms have been critical for certain programmes that tackle topics such as theology, magic, the nature of the aberati, and the history of particular events which are seen as controversial. That’s not to say that the students and lecturers are completely without oversight, however, as all manner of informants lurk the halls of the university, relaying back reports to their the King of Enliten or other groups that may have developed a keen interest in the institution.
University of Trotlí by Midjourney

Notable Figures

Emil Aberwik by Midjourney
  Lord Emil Aberwik (b. 1533 AA) is a successful graduate of the University of Trotlí, who studied warfare from 1549 to 1554, which played a pivotal role in his military career. Now serving as the General of the Northern Garrison, Aberwik is responsible for the defence of Olok’s Wall and the protection of the realm from the aberati of the Central Pass, a task which he dutifully performs with honour. As a student, Emil Aberwik had been diligent and patient, often neglecting his social life in favour of his studies which has in recent years come to hurt him, however, as the connections that he could have potentially built might have given him more opportunities to obtain resources for his under-funded garrison. He now spends much of his time travelling from court to court, hoping to gather whatever support he can.
Rītalja Kārlanisis by Midjourney
  Rītalja Kārlanisis (b. 1528 AA) is an expert in the art of vitality magic who has earned the respect of her students and the school's staff. Gregarious and generous at heart, Rītalja always finds the time to help out her struggling pupils, ensuring that no one falls behind. Before moving to teach in Trotlí in 1554, Rītalja served in the Mētia Arīsi, the elite forces of the Federal State of Alinhas. Her connections to the government of her homeland and its powerful mages have led to faint murmurs that her motivations for joining the university were perhaps less alturistic than they had first appeared. The school has dismissed such baseless rumours, but whether or not King Harál of Enliten and his agents are content with her presence in such an institution of learning remains unclear for now.
Alís Ulwáne by Midjourney
  Alís Ulwáne (b. 1548 AA) is a fairly recent graduate from the university who studied the history of the people of Enliten from 1564 to the 1567. Originating from the small village of Reterval in the Unincorporated Territories of Enliten, Alís was often ridiculed or teased over her provincial background, and many of her fellow students wondered how she could afford a university education in the first place. Despite such unpleasant encounters, Alís earned the respect of a few students studying vitality magic, and once news of that had spread, the jeers ceased. Her ability to afford her place in the university and procure all the supplies necessary remained a mystery to the faculty and Alís has recently volunteered to serve on Olok’s Wall, assisting the garrison with their bookkeeping and other miscellaneous tasks.
Founding Date
852 BA
1506 AA (Restored)
Educational, University
The Map of the Enlitic Peninsula is, as the name suggests, a map that depicts the Enlitic peninsula and its surroundings in the year 1567 AA. This exquisite depiction of the region was commissioned by Harál Herwik, the King of Enliten, in 1565, along with the consent of his advisors in the Council of Helí.   Much of the northern parts of the map, the territories that extend beyond the Enlitic mountains and the Central Pass, are highly speculative, as folk believe that those lands are swarming with aberati.

Department of Faith and Force

The Department of Faith and Force is what sets the university apart from the other academies of the world, drawing the attention of students from foreign shores. Here, the professors and masters of the institution can teach in peace, knowing that the realm’s stance on religious tolerance and the freedom of speech ensure that their opinions, no matter how controversial, can be expressed and debated over.   In addition to their chosen programme, students are also expected to partake in more mundane subjects, such as mathematics, literature, and history. All lessons are held in Aiterean and both the students and the teachers are required to wear red coats as a uniform.
Study of Vitality
Study of Vitality is a programme meant primarily for those with the abilities required to use the deadly and often misunderstood power of vitality magic, although those who lack the ability are also accepted. Delving into the bloody history and the hardships suffered by those with vitality magic, the programme intends to build up an understanding around why such gifts are feared and the dangers that come with Vitatier's Blood. Training in the safe and effective use of the magic is a crucial part of the programme and many of the graduates have gone to serve as vitatiers in feared elite units throughout the continent.
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Language: Aiterean

Theory of the Incorporeal Forces
Theory of the Incorporeal Forces is a field of study that focuses on chaos magic, a power accessible to all with the patience and dedication required to master it, although many of its professors would argue that true mastery is impossible. Students partaking in this programme learn the theories behind the inner workings of the force they wield and work in groups to shape the earth for purposes both peaceful and militaristic in nature.
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Language: Aiterean

History and Theology of the Aprēan Faiths
History and Theology of the Aprēan Faiths is a programme for those with a keen interest in the religion of the Lady of the Lake whose followers can be found all throughout Lethea. Students are expected to learn the history of the faith, everything from the story of Aprēa of Setaik to contemporary religious developments, as well as the theological differences between the three main denominations and several of the lesser heresies. The university strives to have an evenhanded approached for studying the various Aprēan beliefs, preventing its teachers from overtly promoting one faith over the others.
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Language: Aiterean


Department of Statecraft

The Department of Statecraft is the often overlooked part of the university which focuses primarily on educating the realm's aristocracy and the wealthier members of the bourgeoisie so that they could be better suited to steer and advance the kingdom into more prosperous times.   As the department is not concerned with attracting students from abroad, all of their programmes are in Rustilian, the language of the royal court, and the majority of the professors are from Enliten. They, along with their students, are wear dark coats that set them apart from the members of the other department.
History of the People of Enliten
The University of Trotlí’s History of the People of Enliten programme gives its participants a comprehensive understanding of how the Kingdom of Enliten was formed and the events that proceeded its creation. In addition to learning all there is to know about Herwik's Band and the royal family, students receive an in-depth view on the history of the various ethnic groups and dissidents that helped to forge the realm.
  • Duration: 2.5 years
  • Language: Rustilian

Politics and International Relations
Politics and International Relations is a comprehensive programme that teaches people about the political circumstances of the realm and other important regions of the world. Students develop an astute understanding of the various noble families of Enliten and their views, grudges, territorial holdings, and much more. As the Aiterean language is crucial for international communication, the programme prioritises its mastery and students are expected to be somewhat conversational in the tongue by the time they graduate.
  • Duration: 4 years
  • Language: Rustilian

Mettelanic Languages
The Mettelanic Languages programme is solely focused on educating its participants on important languages in the Mettelanic language family such as Rustilian, Pallernic and Ruekic. Students learn theories surrounding the development of each language and how all of them had potentially derived from a single tongue. Each student is given an opportunity to focus on a single language which they will have to become fluent in to graduate successfully. The Rustilian language itself can't be picked as knowing it is a prerequisite for partaking in the programme.
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Language: Rustilian

Study of Warfare
The Study of Warfare is a popular programme among the young and energetic sons of the nobility. Here they learn what it takes to command and be responsible for the lives of men, learning to wage war upon both geprati and aberati alike. Participants of the programme are expected to spend two years out in the field, serving in one of the three standing armies of Enliten. There their potential noble heritage matters to none and they are taught respect and humility in addition to strategy, tactics, and logistics.
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Language: Rustilian

Students of the University of Trotlí by Midjourney

Cover image: by Midjourney


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Sep 15, 2024 12:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Great article. I really like that you've included the history of the university, especially the sections where it was struggling. I love the inclusion of the courses too. I kind of wish I could take all of them. XD

Sep 18, 2024 08:33 by Annie Stein

It's really impressive what you've put together in just a couple weeks. This is really well considered, I appreciate the history and how much we learn about this part of the world through how this university functions and what it teaches.

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