Firebug Species in Levantis | World Anvil
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A calm scene of people sitting around a campfire is disturbed by a strange buzzing sound that becomes more and more frantic until suddenly, a dozen dog-sized bugs somewhat reminiscent of rhino beetles come flying through heading straight toward the fire. These strange creatures are known as Firebugs, or colloquially Flame-Eaters.   Their insectoid bodies are covered in a thick exoskeleton dotted with several nodes where they store the fire they consume. Underneath lies a pair of thick wings atop a pair of thinner, membranous wings that allow them to fly at decent speeds, further propelled by short bursts of fire expulsion. To attack enemies they have a pair of powerful mandibles, as well as a tough horn with which they can gore others or move obstacles to reach their precious fire. Their eyes possess powerful heat vision capabilities that allow them to detect infrared detection.  

Intelligence and Social Behavior

They are simple beasts with only a very basic intelligence. They prioritize the fire that sustains them and enhances their flight and strength above all, often ignoring other creatures or obstacles unless they become a real danger. Humans and most other lifeforms do not radiate enough heat to really draw their attention in most cases, but in close proximity and in absence of other fire sources they may hunt people too.  


Geographic Distribution

Crafting Materials

The fire nodes on a Firebug carry some energy of elemental fire. They can be used as a minor component in armor that grants resistance to fire, however an extroardinary amount of them is required and it still requires another major component of course.

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